Sustainable finance developments in Singapore

Making strides with the new and enhanced MAS grant schemes

A progressive step towards our sustainable future

The recent announcement by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) on the new grant scheme for green and sustainability-linked loans has presented significant opportunities for organisations to transition to more sustainable practices, in addition to furthering promoting the development of the country as the leading centre for green finance in Asia and globally.

In our quick read, we provide an overview on what the MAS grant schemes mean for your business and how we can help you leverage this opportunity in financing and realising your transformation to a sustainable future.

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What you need to know

1. Green and Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme

The Green and Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme (GSLS) is the first of its kind in the world, and seeks to support corporates of various sizes and sectors to access green financing and adopt sustainable business practices

Effective from 1 January 2021, the GSLS comprises two tracks - Track A is specifically aimed at corporates in facilitating access to green and sustainability-linked loans, Track B will look at encouraging the development of green and sustainability-linked loan frameworks for financial institutions

2. Sustainable Bond Grant Scheme

With immediate effect, the scope of the existing Sustainable Bond Grant Scheme (SBGS) has been expanded to include sustainability-linked bonds

The enhanced SBGS will cover pre-issuance and post-issuance costs of engaging independent sustainability assessment and advisory service providers to obtain external analysis or report for bonds under the scheme

Supporting you in creating value and making a positive impact

As sustainability continues to be an integral part of the entire business model, the ability to create value will depend on integrating ESG in corporate strategy, making informed strategic decisions and taking advantage of emerging opportunities.

Our sustainability and climate change professionals can help you to:

1. Determine a reasonable approach

Develop and deliver your green and sustainable financing framework, ensuring that it aligns with your overall sustainability strategy, from defining objectives to ensuring expectations of key stakeholders are met.

2. Assess the impact

Establish that underlying projects meet green and sustainable financing standards, and develop an appropriate framework to assess and report the impacts of your green and sustainability-related projects post-investment.

3. Move with confidence

Embark on your green and sustainable finance programme with confidence, making informed decisions from the allocation of proceeds to key performance indicators in line with the post-issuance expectations.

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Read the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announcement on the launch of the Green and Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme (GSLS) in the MAS webpage.

MAS environmental risk management framework for financial institutions

Learn more about what this means for you ❯

Contact us

Fang Eu-Lin

Fang Eu-Lin

Sustainability and Climate Change Practice Leader, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9817 8213

Justin Ong

Justin Ong

Financial Services Leader, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9731 3758

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