Breaking New Ground

June 2024 | Emerging developments reshaping the financial markets

As with any industry where advancement and innovation are outpacing regulation, the complex landscape can be difficult for businesses to navigate their operations. From adapting to new realities in emerging industries such as Web3, evolving regulations, compliance and commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG), it is of great importance for businesses to keep updated on key trends and developments in order to remain internationally competitive.

Here are several key highlights:
  • ESG - Expect a surge in climate-related disclosures as countries embrace the International Sustainability Standards Board ("ISSB") requirements. Specialised tools have been implemented to aid companies in preparing for ISSB disclosures, signaling further progress in their readiness for widespread adoption.
  • Metaverse - South Korea's Ministry of Science and ICT launched the Virtual Convergence Industry Promotion Act to regulate the metaverse industry. The bill aims to establish a clear definition of the metaverse and promote the growth of related industries and services.
  • Digital assets - Expect more government regulations to be finalised and implemented as crypto businesses flock to countries with properly defined regulatory frameworks.
  • Emerging regulatory trends - Change remains a constant in risk, regulations and compliance. Discover the latest updates and stay informed about key regulatory changes in the financial services industry in Singapore.

Feel free to explore the topics below and we welcome any opportunity to discuss more with our respective PwC representatives.

Main drivers

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

We expect an increase in climate-related disclosures as countries progressively embrace their own ISSB disclosure requirements. As ISSB gains traction, asset managers will be required to incorporate ESG-linked remuneration, a mandatory cross-industry metrics of ISSB, into their remuneration policies. Check out PwC’s published insights on ESG-driven remuneration: Enhancing sustainability in the Asset and Wealth Management (“AWM”) industry, exploring the factors driving the integration of ESG key performance indicators ("KPIs") into executive remuneration.

Regulations and standards

Hong Kong Exchange ("HKEX") publishes conclusions on Climate Disclosure Requirements
Coming into effect on 1 January 2025, HKEX's New Climate Requirements are developed based on IFRS S2. Implementation reliefs have been introduced, including proportionality and scaling-in measures, to address concerns over the reporting challenges that some issuers may face.

Japan releases proposed IFRS-Based sustainability reporting standards
The article highlighted Sustainability Standards Board of Japan's ("SSBJ") new exposure drafts announcement for the proposed standards for companies to report sustainability and climate-related information.

Japan proposes mandatory ISSB disclosure and assurance from 2027
Japan's Financial Services Agency announced that the reporting timeline will be broadly in line with the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which Japanese companies will start disclosing against from 2028.

Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") proposes anti-greenwashing and sustainability disclosure rules for portfolio managers
FCA announced the launch of a consultation on a new proposal to extend its new Sustainability Disclosure Requirements ("SDR"). Notably, firms with AUM greater than £50 billion would be required to provide product-level disclosures under the SDR from December 2025, and those with AUM greater than £5 billion from December 2026.

Industry update

Asset management

Keppel achieves first close for sustainable urban renewal fund
The Keppel Sustainable Urban Renewal fund closed after securing Korean institutional capital. This bring the total funds under management in its sustainable urban renewal ("SUR") strategy to over USD1.7 billion. The fund invests in real estate and platform opportunities to create sustainable assets across real estate segments including commercial, living, life sciences, hospitality and logistics in Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Australia and first-tier cities in China.

Wellington Management Raises $385 Million for Climate Tech Venture Fund
The Wellington Climate Innovation Fund invests in private companies developing solutions to help mitigate and adapt to climate change, targeting primarily late-venture and early-growth companies developing tech-enabled solutions, in areas ranging from software, sensors and AI, to data and analytics, and across themes including energy transition, sustainable buildings and cities, transportation and mobility, industrial automation, enterprise digitisation, sustainable consumer, and food and agriculture innovation.

BlackRock, Temasek decarbonisation venture raises $1.4B
Temasek CEO Dilhan Pillay said in the release that collective efforts like this funding round are “critical” in striving for global net-zero ambitions, and the funding will help accelerate decarbonisation at scale. “Addressing the climate crisis requires innovation at scale, as well as significant and sustained financial resources to enable that,” Pillay said. “No single entity can do it on their own.”

Banking and capital markets

Citi, JPMorgan, Royal Bank of Canada ("RBC") to give new climate metric in deals with New York City ("NYC")
Under agreements struck with NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, the three banks will disclose their ratio of financing for low-carbon energy projects compared with their financing for fossil fuel projects.


Insurers' climate alliance relaunches after member exodus
The insurance group, called the Net Zero Insurance Alliance (“NZIA”), will be disbanded and replaced by the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero (“FIT”), the United Nations Environment Programme, which convened the NZIA. Members will not need to set targets to reduce their emissions and report on them annually, as was the case with NZIA.

Financiers and insurers ready to support electrification of the domestic harbour craft sector
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (“MPA”) has received 12 financing and seven insurance proposals in response to the Expression of Interest (“EOI”) launched to support early adopters of electric harbour craft (e-HC).

Lloyd's of London inadequate on ESG, report says
The article discussed about how the Lloyd's of London, being one of the world's biggest commercial insurers, will have to improve its current ESG standards as considered weak, considering the exposure it has to fossil fuels projects and weapons.

ESG platforms, solutions and tools

New registry for Singapore businesses to track and report carbon emissions launched
The registry works by capturing a database of emission factors developed based on Singapore’s context. These emission factors will convert operational data from business activities into corresponding greenhouse gas emissions.

ISSB publishes digital taxonomy for sustainability disclosures
The ISSB announced the publication of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy (ISSB Taxonomy), a new digital tool aimed at enabling investors to analyse sustainability-related financial disclosures based on the ISSB’s recently released sustainability and climate-related reporting standards. According to an IFRS statement announcing the new tool, the new Taxonomy “will enable investors to search, extract and compare sustainability-related financial disclosures as ISSB establishes its global baseline of Standards.”

Interesting reads

SBTi approves carbon credits for Scope 3 emissions offsetting to dismay of NGOs, own staff
The Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) will allow companies to use carbon credits to offset their Scope 3 supply chain emissions as they work towards their climate targets – a move that has pleased businesses but frustrated environmentalists.

Latest transition plan resources published
The materials published by the Transition Plan Taskforce (“TPT”) on the 9th April 2024 include sector-specific transition plan guidance for Asset Owners, Asset Managers, Banks, Electric Utilities & Power Generators, Food & Beverage, Metals & Mining and Oil & Gas and sector summary guidance, with high level guidance for 30 sectors of the global economy.

Singapore invests S$35 million in sustainable finance upskilling of financial sector
The new investment announcement was made alongside the release by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) and Institute of Banking and Finance (“IBF”) of the Sustainable Finance Jobs Transformation Map (“JTM”), a new study predicting that the sustainable finance market in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (“ASEAN”) over the next decade will amount to S$4 to 5 trillion, spurring a major need to upskill the financial services workforce in order to seize these opportunities.

The social cost of carbon is now US$225 per tonne – what this means for Asia
If there is one thing that economists can universally agree on, it is the need for energy prices to reflect their true cost to human well-being. But estimating the “social cost of carbon” in a way that reflects the uneven distribution of damages across wealthier and lower-income nations has proven to be a challenging endeavour.

Contact us

Bing Yi Lee

Partner, ESG and Financial Services, PwC Singapore

+65 9782 6395


Christina Mason

Partner, Asset and Wealth Management ESG, PwC Singapore

+65 9018 1559



The metaverse is continually experiencing growth as businesses and users increasingly adopt virtual reality ("VR") for social and commercial interactions. This growth is driven by advancements in VR and augmented reality ("AR") technologies, and the growing interest for virtual user engagement.

General market

US manufacturing firms are flocking to the metaverse according to the World Economic Forum (WEF)
The WEF released a report revealing that 92% of executives from US manufacturing firms are exploring various ways of implementing the metaverse into their own firms. The automotive, energy, software, aerospace and defense industries are leading the way for industrial metaverse investment. The industrial metaverse can be used across the firm's product life cycle, including pre-production, production and post-production stages.

Metaverse in automotive market: Redefining vehicle design and consumer experience for 2024-2030
Maximize Market Research revealed that the metaverse in automotive market size is expected to be worth around USD 22.49 billion by 2020, growing from a rate of 33.0% from USD 2.81 billion in 2023. The automotive industry is rapidly integrating the metaverse into shopping experiences, blending VRs and ARs with traditional automotive technologies.

Industry update

Strategic alliances

Yuga Labs and Somnia forge to optimize metaverse interoperability
Somnia partners with Yuga Labs, aiming to integrate the non-fungible token (NFT) brand’s digital assets more seamlessly into the virtual gaming environment. Holders of select Yuga Labs NFTs will also earn bonus points in upcoming quests hosted on Somnia’s newly launched Metaverse Browser. Additionally, they can use their virtual avatars across all Somnia-supported domains, enhancing asset compatibility and usage as the partnership evolves.

Wilder World partners Samsung to integrate metaverse in smart televisions (TVs)
Wilder World, a multiplayer gaming platform, plans to bring its multiplayer virtual world to a wider audience through Samsung's smart TVs. The integration of Wilder World’s metaverse into the Samsung ecosystem will begin with the metaverse’s assets, information on the company’s platforms and non-fungible token gallery.

Industry use cases

Nissan Motor taps into the Metaverse
Nissan filed four trademark applications related to Web3, signaling its intention to enter the Metaverse and digital commerce. These trademarks specifically focus on exploring VR, NFTs, and blockchain technology, with a particular emphasis on virtual goods and car sales within the Metaverse. As part of its digital strategy, Nissan introduced the “Nissan Hype Lab”, offering a virtual car buying experience with Web3 technologies.

Pakistani university launches country’s first metaverse-based classes
The University of Lahore, in collaboration with the University of Denmark, has introduced the country's inaugural VR-based classes within the metaverse. These courses aim to replicate the conventional classroom setting through the utilization of VR headsets and motion tracking technology.

Beyond therapy: Virtual reality shows promise in fighting depression
A recent study conducted by Stanford University highlights the potential of VR in treating major depressive disorder (MDD). The researchers utilised the Meta Quest 2 headset to engage patients in simulated activities such as board games, puzzles, dancing, and golf. The patients reported a significant reduction in the severity of their depression, indicating the effectiveness of VR as a therapeutic tool for MDD.

Metaverse platforms

Meta opens Horizon operating system to third party hardware makers, shifting its extended reality strategy
Meta wil be releasing the operating system that powers its Meta Quest devices to the public. This move will enable developers to access a range of tools and technologies, including high-resolution passthrough, scene understanding, and spatial anchors to create immersive experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds.

Disney+ to launch its first-ever interactive original story as a Vision Pro app
Marvel Studios has announced a new immersive experience called "What If...? - An Immersive Story" for the Apple Vision Pro. This hour-long interactive story will be the first-ever Disney+ Original to be available on the spatial computing headset. Users will be placed at the center of the narrative, becoming the central protagonist and playing a crucial role in shaping the outcome of the story.

Key regulatory developments

South Korea Ministry of Science and ICT announces Virtual Convergence Industry Promotion Act
A law to support the Metaverse industry and ease regulations will take effect in August 2024, making it the first in the world. The bill aims to define the virtual convergence world (metaverse) and systematically foster related virtual convergence industries and services.

Interesting reads

Singapore's 'metaverse generation' beats APAC average in awareness
Yahoo conducted a survey in the APAC region, known as the APAC Metaverse Survey, to explore the expectations of consumers regarding avatars, assets, and key elements of the Metaverse. In the APAC region, Singapore is at the forefront in terms of awareness and interest in the metaverse.

Walmart launches its latest e-commerce experience on Roblox
Using Roblox's gaming currency, Robux, players can purchase Walmart goods through the metaverse platform. Each purchase doubles as a virtual and real-life item where users get a digital version for their avatar and an IRL version shipped to their home.

Contact us

Wei Jie Chan

Director, Digital Assets, PwC Singapore

+65 8126 6623


Yung Han Oei

Senior Manager, Metaverse, PwC Singapore

+65 9630 2458


Digital assets

Regulations and frameworks continue to be the top concern and priority as governments around the world are building out new rules for cryptocurrencies. Maturing crypto and businesses are seeking to move to jurisdictions with the best operational environment within a defined regulatory framework. Countries are now competing to attract these companies as they scale up their businesses, providing them with first mover advantages.

Industry update

General market

Bitcoin Trades Around $57K, Crypto Market Drops 6% in Run-Up to Fed Decision
BTC sank to the lowest level since the end of February, recording its worst month since November 2022 when FTX collapsed. This is driven by low risk appetite due to a stagflationary feel in the US. There is low hope of an interest rate cut by the Fed as growth slows and inflation continues to persist.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Hong Kong creates ‘community’ for wholesale CBDC Project Ensemble
Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Project Ensemble announced the creation of an Architecture Community, which includes regulators, the existing academic CBDC Expert Group, four banks – Bank of China (Hong Kong), Hang Seng Bank, HSBC and Standard Chartered Hong Kong, as well as Hashkey Group, Ant Digital Technologies and Microsoft Hong Kong. It is taked with making recommendations about using the wholesale CBDC for interbank settlement of tokenized deposits and the design and implementation of the sandbox.

Iran, Russia cooperating on CBDC and tokenized assets
Both countries are locked out of SWIFT for cross-border payments. Iran’s trade attaché at the embassy in Moscow recently confirmed that the two countries are working on a CBDC while Russia works on a framework for Digital Financial Assets. This allows Russian information systems to be connected with foreign platforms to circumvent existing global payments system.

Financial sector

Bitcoin ETF Inflows Take a Hit: What’s Behind the Shift in Investor Sentiment?
BNP Paribas has reversed its stance on cryptocurrencies, from outright avoidance to active investment, by disclosing its purchase of Blackrock's iShares Bitcoin Trust. This signals the growing acceptance of Bitcoin among tradfi institutions, indicating a recognition of the potential value and opportunities presented by digital assets.

Institutional Digital Assets: The Future of Finance Is Here
Tradfi players are targeting 2 key use cases: digital money or stablecoin and the tokenization of traditional investments opportunities, often referred to as Real World Assets. Stablecoins open the window for 24/7/365 market hours. The institutional interest in stablecoins can be highlighted by settlement, treasury management, and cross border payments. Tokenization enables operational efficiencies through use of a blockchain-integrated system, including increased security, faster transaction processing and reduced costs. Tokenized bonds have reduced settlement time to one day (T+1) from five (T+5), and have been rated by Moody's adding legitimacy.


BlackRock Leads $47 Million Funding Round for Securitize
The broker-dealer has the aim of digitizing real-world assets through blockchain technology and facilitating compliant digitization of financial assets. Securitize hopes to accelerate product development, expand global presence, and strengthen partnerships across the financial services ecosystem. This initiative underscores the growing integration of blockchain technology in traditional finance, offering investors enhanced liquidity and flexibility.

Harris and Trotter Digital Assets Raises $10 Million in Series A Round Led by Orbs
The crypto-focused accounting firm marked a significant stride towards tackling a problem that all Web3 projects face: accounting. This investment will further fuel their rapid growth and bring a deeper technological focus to the firm as it looks to increase its Software As A Service revenue and competitive edge.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

CoinGecko Q1 Report: Top NFT Marketplaces Exceed $4.7B+
There has been a resurgence in NFT sales volume, indicating increased interest and adoption of these digital assets. Among the top 10, trading volumes soared past $4.7 billion in March, with Magic Eden claiming the lion’s share. This was driven by the Diamond reward program and its Ethereum-based marketplace with Yuga Labs.

Key regulatory developments

MAS Expands Scope of Regulated Payment Services; Introduces User Protection Requirements for Digital Payment Token Service Providers
Provision of custodial services of Digital Payment Tokens (DPTs), Facilitation of the transmission of DPTs between accounts and facilitation of the exchange of DPTs, even where the service provider does not come into possession of the moneys or DPTs are now within the scope of regulation under the Payment Services Act. The amendments will empower MAS to impose requirements relating to AML/CFT, user protection and financial stability on DPT service providers.

House passes resolution overturning SEC rule on crypto and digital asset custody
The resolution nullifies the requirement financial institutions and firms safeguarding their customers’ digital assets to hold those assets on their balance sheets. The resolution seeks to protect consumers by removing roadblocks that prevent highly regulated financial institutions and firms from acting as custodians of digital assets and making digital asset custody less cost prohibitive.

Cryptocurrency regulations are changing across the globe. Here's what you need to know
This article provides a simple overview of the regulatory trends in various markets: US, EU, Asia, UK and Brazil. It also provides updates on global consensus of crypto regulation. The International Organization of Securities Commissions has also laid out its 18 recommendations for global rules on managing crypto and digital assets and the WEF is actively working on the Digital Assets Regulatory initiative, which analyzes outcomes of different national approaches to digital asset regulation.

Stakeholder group backs EU regulator’s proposals on digital asset definitions, solicitation rules
Two consultations relating to the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Asset regulation, including a tightening of third-country services solicitation rules and more uniform definitions of digital assets and financial instruments has been received positively from its Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group. This encompasses reverse solicitation and standardisation on classifications as either digital asset or financial instrument.

Interesting reads

Nearly all FTX creditors will get 118% of their funds back in cash, estate says in new plan
98% of creditors will get back 118% in claims in cash, subject to court approval. Other Non Governmental creditors will get back 100% of claims plus interest of 9% as part of compensation for TVM. Beats out earlier estimates that on 90% of customer funds are recoverable. May bring some relief and confidence to cryptocurrency exchanges. It draws more institutional adoption, driven by consumer confidence.

From 25 years in prison to just four months: Inside the final verdict on a crypto billionaire CEO archrivalry
Explains the significant difference in sentencing length for 2 seemingly similar cases of crypto fraud. The nature of their alleged crimes reflects different aspects of the ‘dark’ and illicit corners of crypto: CZ’s case seems to focus on regulatory and compliance failures, while SBF’s case hinges on direct financial misconduct and deception.

Contact us

Wong Wanyi

FinTech Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9842 2060


Wei Jie Chan

Director, Digital Assets, PwC Singapore

+65 8126 6623


Emerging regulatory trends

Introducing our Financial Services Regulatory Risk and Compliance Digest, which focuses on providing you with an update on key regulatory changes in the financial services industry in Singapore. We hope this summary will help you to keep abreast of these emerging themes, and we welcome any opportunity to discuss these with you.

Contact us

Alywin Teh

Financial Services Risk Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9627 7018


Lay Mei Ter

Director, Regulatory Advisory and Financial Services Digital, PwC Singapore

+65 9635 5436


Our leadership team

Sam Kok Weng

Markets and Financial Services Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9367 3340


Alywin Teh

Financial Services Risk Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9627 7018


Choo Eng Beng

Assurance Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9757 4084


Eu-Lin Fang

Sustainability and Climate Change Practice Leader, Partner, PwC Singapore

+65 9817 8213


Justin Ong

Asset and Wealth Managed Services Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9731 3758


Kwok Wui San

Regulatory Risk and Compliance Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 8218 8727


Paul Pak

Asset and Wealth Managed Services - Risk and Compliance Solutions Leader, Singapore, PwC Singapore

+65 9622 4233


Yura Mahindroo

Partner, Banking and Capital Markets, PwC Singapore

+65 8182 5177


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