Beyond COVID-19: Fit For Rebound in the Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Sector

Countries are moving towards resolution of the pandemic and attempting to get back to business as usual. It is critical that the senior leadership look beyond crisis management and business continuity towards reimagining profound economic & societal changes and design a program to emerge stronger.

We examine the potential shifts that will impact the Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences Sector and consider the steps industry leaders should take, using our Fit For Rebound framework.

Fit For Rebound Framework

1 Identify

Take a position on the most profound permanent or structural shifts in your geographies, sectors, clients, people, and assess the impact on your organisation and ambitions.

2 Ideate

Determine a rough timeline for the economy where you’re operating to move from “Explosive” to "Managing" and "Controlled" state. Then imagine what bold, wise decisions would you want to have taken in anticipation of the new normal?

3 Initiate

Establish a "Fit for Rebound" programme to deliver on those decisions. Radically reassess your priorities, organisation, assets, projects, policies, cost base, projections, policies, and culture.

What are the profound and permanent directional shifts impacting the Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences sector?

Rise of Asia and shift towards localised decision-making

Healthcare shifts to the patient’s home or community

Greater health data sharing and analytics

Constrained funding/ financing across payors and providers

Focus on supply chain reliability and traceability of key medicines/ equipment

Shifting channel dynamics and digital clinician engagement

Normalisation of remote working practice and a laser-focus on productivity

Regulators encourage data sharing and digital services

Greater R&D focus on infectious disease and vaccines and personalised clinical responses

What are the bold decisions you need to make to rebound in the Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences sector?

  • Real-time, Secure Data Aggregation & Sharing
  • Technology Enabled Supply Chain & Distribution Network
  • New Commercial Models / Value Based Pricing
  • Emerging Digital Channel Engagement
  • Remote Patient Support Scale-up
  • Dynamic Sales & Marketing Roll-Out
  • Physical Footprint Optimisation

What are the 5 steps you can take to start your own Fit for Rebound programme?

1Develop an Agile Strategy
2Double Down on Differentiating Post-crisis Capabilities
3Sustain without Sacrificing the Recovery
4Pivot for the New Normal
5Accelerate Cultural Revolution

Contact us

Winston Nesfield

Winston Nesfield

Insurance and Wealth Leader, South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9159 1425

Rachel Armstrong

Rachel Armstrong

Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences Strategy Leader, South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9624 5189

Dr Zubin J Daruwalla

Dr Zubin J Daruwalla

Health Industries Leader, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9751 7023

Abhijit Ghosh

Abhijit Ghosh

Partner, Corporate Tax, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 8223 0698

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