Illustrative Annual Report 2023

Going beyond: Inspiring confidence and empowering change - a comprehensive guide to drafting your annual report

Our Illustrative Annual Report (IAR) in a nutshell

In this video, our subject matter experts from our Corporate Reporting Services team delve into the key areas that financial statement preparers should keep abreast of. From sustainability reporting to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) Pillar Two and more, tune in for more of their insights.

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Our Illustrative Annual Report (IAR) in a nutshell

Going beyond: Inspiring confidence and empowering change


2023 is expected to be a watershed year that brings the vision of a sustainable and equitable future to the forefront of the business community. In our recent PwC’s 26th Annual Global CEO Survey: Winning today’s race while running tomorrow’s, many surveyed have acknowledged the need to reinvent their business and embarked on sustainability initiatives. Global developments in sustainability reporting seeks to help capture the impact of these initiatives in a consistent and comparable manner.

On the other front, changes in the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) space seek to create a structure with more equitable tax outcomes.

In 2023, we are publishing two versions of the Illustrative Annual Report. The new version provides an alternative presentation structure which categorises material information in a way that helps users of financial statements understand the key risks and performance of the entity.

This publication will serve as an excellent resource to assist you in the preparation of your company’s annual report, ensuring quality, completeness and fair presentation of information to users of your corporate reporting, helping you inspire confidence and empower change.

Three key highlights in 2023

Sustainability Report

Sustainability reporting is an ever developing area, and has increasingly become an important information source about companies’ long-term value creation opportunities and their wider impact on the society and the environment. In June 2023, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) released its two sustainability disclosure standards IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024.

In Singapore, the Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee (SRAC) proposed mandatory reporting of climate-related disclosures by listed and large non-listed companies. The proposal includes recommendations for in-scope companies to report on ISSB-aligned climate-related disclosures with listed issuers reporting from 2025 and large non-listed companies from 2027.

Even though these new guidelines are not enacted in Singapore, it is important for companies to consider the new guidelines for sustainability reporting. This publication highlights these considerations in the Sustainability Report section.


SFRS(I) 17 Insurance Contracts is mandatory for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023. The standard applies to insurance contracts regardless of the entity that issues them. Therefore the new standard impacts more than just traditional insurance entities, and non-insurers will have to assess if contracts entered into meet the definition of insurance contracts and within the scope of this new standard. Where this is the case, additional disclosures required under this new standard will apply, to allow financial statement users to better understand the impact of this transition.

This publication recommends disclosures that would be required upon adoption of the standard in Appendix 3: Impact of insurance contracts on the non-insurer.

Base erosion and profit sharing

In December 2021, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (Pillar Two): Inclusive Framework on BEPS. The rules are designed to ensure that large multinational enterprises (MNEs) within the scope of the rules pay a minimum level of tax on the income arising in a specific period in each jurisdiction where they operate. In general, the rules apply a system of top-up taxes that brings the total amount of taxes paid on an entity's excess profit in a jurisdiction up to the minimum rate of 15%.

The Singapore government has announced that the country would implement the rules including a domestic top-up tax (DTT) for in-scope MNEs from the financial year beginning on or after 1 January 2025.

Amendments have been made in SFRS(I) 1-12 Income Taxes to include exception in the requirements where an entity shall neither recognise nor disclose information about deferred tax assets and liabilities related to Pillar Two income taxes. Amendments have also include additional disclosures on BEPS, and these disclosures are required to be made under the standards for the financial year beginning on or after 1 January 2023.This publication highlights these considerations and related disclosure in the Income Taxes' note.

Illustrative Annual Report 2023

Going beyond: Inspiring confidence and empowering change

Download (PDF of 6.98mb)

Illustrative Annual Report 2023

Alternative presentation structure

Download (PDF of 7.66mb)

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Marcus Lam

Executive Chairman, PwC Singapore


Choo Eng Beng

Assurance Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9757 4084


David Toh

Governance, Risk, Controls and Internal Audit Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9186 3006


Financial reporting

Voon Hoe Chen

Partner, Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Singapore

+65 9817 0978


Yong Zen Yun

Corporate Reporting Services Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 8129 1780


Sustainability reporting

Eu-Lin Fang

Sustainability and Climate Change Practice Leader, Partner, PwC Singapore

+65 9817 8213


Kok Moi Lre

Asia ESG Assurance Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 8182 3178


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