The consumer transformed

Reimagine the retail and consumer landscape: South East Asia

Today’s digital world consumers stand transformed, even as the mega global forces continue to sweep through the business landscape. Organisations not only need to understand how this new world affects all their customer touch points, but also must actively reinvent their growth path to avoid being at the mercy of external events.

We take a closer look at the top retail and consumer trends in South East Asia (SEA), and identify ways for businesses to emerge stronger in the post-COVID-19 new world in this publication.

Read the full report

Changing consumer trends in SEA

From our Global Consumer Insights Report 2020, we see the following trends emerging globally and within SEA

  • Increased price sensitivity with focused spending on basic needs

  • Increased expectations of e-commerce with accelerated use of digital platforms

  • Heightened consciousness of sustainability and social impact

  • Trust and ease of obtaining goods and services are key in driving purchases

How can the retail sector thrive in uncertainty?

Shutdowns during the pandemic have greased the digital runway. As some new consumer habits become ingrained, businesses that build value based on informed and relevant ideas, and have the technology and imagination to create engaging and inspiring experiences, will clearly stand out in the game. This is the underlying premise of the Business-Experience-Technology (BXT) philosophy.

BXT Infographic


Recalibrate the business
  • Unlock business value by redirecting spend to maximise return on experience (ROX)
  • Digitally enable the workforce and develop new ways of working
  • Explore partnership and merger & acquisitions (M&A) agenda


Reimagine the brand experience
  • Relook at the consumer mix
  • Consider brand proposition as a platform for fast experimentation
  • Create seamless and frictionless experiences


Leverage technology
  • Supply chain innovation
  • Precise engagement and secure experience
  • Boosting e-payment capabilities

Contact us

Igniting digital transformation

Charles Loh

Singapore Consulting Leader, PwC Singapore

+65 9735 2389


Strategy through execution

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Driving productivity and operational excellence

Marc Philipp

Consumer and Industrial Products Leader, South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore

+65 8223 1503


Fostering strategic partnerships through M&A

Oliver Wilkinson

Partner, Deals Strategy, PwC Singapore

+65 9732 9610


Reimagining the retail and consumer landscape

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Innovations in leading-edge marketing technology

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Elevating the customer experience

Eugene Macey

Front Office Transformation Leader, South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore

+65 8125 1178


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