Forensic Technology Solutions

Across Forensics we develop and utilise cutting-edge technology, to help our clients in times of crisis, or to understand past challenges and proactively prevent future ones.

Electronically-stored information often grows faster than an organisation’s ability to manage it – and will do so in the future. Corporate IT systems are not designed to respond to critical incidents that create an immediate need for data to be preserved, analysed and produced.

In critical situations you need to be able to access and analyse important data without delay and present relevant information in a forensically responsible and sound manner.

Watch our short-animated video on how our Forensic Technology Solutions teams can help you.

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Digital Forensics and eDiscovery: Navigating litigation,

Our services

Our expert team prepares your data to be ready for any crisis-situation.

We do this by efficiently capturing, transforming, matching and analysing large volumes of structured and unstructured data using the latest forensic software, equipment and techniques. We make data searchable and safeguard your vital datasets in a secure environment.

Our team can draw on a wide range of backgrounds and extensive experience in a wide variety of industries as well as on our global network of forensic technology professionals.

Digital Forensics & eDiscovery

In today's society, companies use a wide range of devices and applications to store data. In most cases this data is accessible, in other cases a forensic specialist must make the data available or accessible again.

You can think of recovering deleted files, investigating manipulated or falsified information, analysing whether and how intellectual property has left your organisation, and other relatable scenarios.

We are a strong and experienced team, with in-depth technical skills, that uses advanced techniques to collect and analyse vast amounts of data quickly and professionally.

Seven key areas where our team can help you

Seven key areas where our team can help you

Imaging (securing) of electronic evidence

Using specialised equipment and procedures approved for gathering electronic evidence, our team can ensure that any ensuing legal proceedings are not negatively affected by the quality of the available evidence.

In order for electronic data to be entered as valid evidence in a court or in disciplinary proceedings, it is vital that an image of the relevant storage device (hard disk, server, cloud, smartphone, drone, smartwatch etc.) is taken at the earliest possible point in the investigation or even earlier to preserve the information in contemplation of a possible investigation.

Managed Review & Investigation Services

Successful investigation of any major incident requires the support of complex analytical tools, not purely for data investigation but also to assist in presenting and explaining the findings both to management and to external parties, such as legal advisers, insurers and prosecuting authorities.

Our managed review services allow investigators, lawyers and other relevant parties, to work with and review the data under investigation without the need for complex data analysis skills and without the risk of damaging the underlying evidence.

At the conclusive stage of an investigation, data can be produced aligned with production protocols from regulators.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

With the ever-growing volume of data in investigations, the application of complex Boolean search terms is insufficient to reduce the number of documents for review to an acceptable amount.

Our specialised tools and certified professionals help you to find any “smoking gun” by applying machine learning algorithms in combination with complex searches to find relevant documents faster than ever.

Communication Analysis

In today’s world communication data is not limited to emails. It includes social media, smartphone messaging apps and corporate messaging platforms.

The prolific use of communication mediums in the corporate environment provides forensic investigators with a wealth of potential evidence for investigations.

Techniques such as threading help to reduce the number of emails to look at by between 30% to 50% on an average data set.

Data visualisation widgets allow you to focus on communication between specific participants and shows who communicates with who in your organisation within the blink of an eye.

Machine Translations and Multimedia Transcriptions

The volume of multimedia data such as video and audio being collected is exploding at an accelerating rate, making traditional data processing methods and manual review inadequate options. Our team has the capabilities to support you on:

  • Transcription of video and audio data in a variety of languages. Make this data searchable and reduce review time and efforts.
  • Redact and produce privileged audio and video before sharing data with regulators or opposing counsel.
  • Translate documents from one language to another using natural language processing (NLP) techniques.
  • Automatically detect objects in video data and search on the identified objects to quickly find the video or time within a video where the object occurs.

Contract Analytics & Secure Virtual Data Rooms

We offer the option to provide you with a fully auditable and secure virtual data room, which facilitates the due diligence process of an M&A deal or venture capital transaction by allowing potential buyers to access the data securely.

As a professional service firm, we are dealing with contracts of different nature on a daily basis. When there is a need to review contracts there is no easy button that provides you with a truly structured version that displays the information you are looking for instantly.

Our contracts analytics tools can help you to quickly identify contract types, contract segments, invaluable data points such as dates, amounts and even detect handwriting, signatures and missing signatures.

Digital Forensic Analysis

Data leakage, electronic document forgery, deletion of information, unauthorised access and many other actions may be a result of fraudulent intent or an attempt to cover up traces of fraud.

We help to effectively analyse such incidents for internal corporate investigations or court proceedings.

Do you have an answer to the question: How did confidential data leave your organisation and damage your business?

Investigative Data Analytics

Investigative data analytics help discover meaningful patterns, to measure historical events or to predict the likelihood of future events.

Data Visualisation

Finding the answers that you need out of the enormous datasets is what we leave to our professionals. Presenting the answers in a manner that they can be easily understood by our clients is often efficiently made possible using data visualisations. Our data visualisation tool and skill sets allow us to present our findings and tell the story of your engagement and a logical and understandable manner.

Data mining and matching

Our data mining procedures allow us to track patterns of suspect transactions and identify organisations or individuals with inappropriate involvement.

Our matching procedures can be used to match financial transactions. This is particularly key in tracing flows of funds through banks or companies or in understanding the counter booking of transactions. Fuzzy matching techniques are also vital when comparing names and addresses recorded in different systems as such information is often entered with variations, particularly if any of the source documents were hand-written.

Using our data mining, matching, investigation and analytics capabilities we support clients in identifying:

  • Outlier transactions
  • Behavioural anomalies
  • Complex Searching
  • Suspicious transaction distribution patterns
  • Sudden increase in payment totals and volumes on high risk entities, countries

Cyber Incident Response

Cyber incidents affect every organisation in virtually every industry. Responding effectively is vital.

Attackers continue to infiltrate corporate networks, gaining access to confidential data. Having the right support is vital to protect and preserve your company's reputation, operations, and bottom line.

When called in, we work quickly to get visibility of the intruder's activity on your network. We contain the threat and collect vital evidence about the attack, getting you back to business as quickly as possible. Retaining our services in advance means you can dispense with the contracting delays and get straight to managing the situation.

Cybercrime is considered one of the most disruptive and serious fraud incidents.

PwC’s Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2020 - Singapore Report

By having a retainer with us you will be adequately prepared to effectively respond to a cyber incident protecting your organisation and giving confidence to customers and stakeholders.

Our retainers also give you access to our legal, data privacy, and crisis management experts to address all associated risks when responding to a cyber incident.

Our Incident Response Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Rapid intrusion assessment and containment
  • Crisis and stakeholder management
  • Incident response retainers on a variety of service levels.
  • Digital Forensic readiness assessment
  • Incident Response & Crisis Simulation
  • Forensic investigation / Root cause analysis
  • Incident playbook development
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Contact us

Daniel Fu

Daniel Fu

Partner, Forensics, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9627 4568
