Trending in International Dispute Resolution

Explore the evolving dispute resolution landscape in this series

International dispute resolution has always been a complex issue as it involves multiple parties with different expectations due to the various jurisdictional legal systems and cultural norms. The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a considerable increase in disagreements as businesses struggle to perform contractual obligations. Fundamental procedural changes have had to be made to ensure that the Dispute Resolution processes continue in a safe manner, such as holding hearings in a virtual manner. Resolving international disputes in a timely and cost effective way has been long sought after, but now these issues are brought to the forefront.

We assisted the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) in conducting the International Dispute Resolution Survey 2020 (SIDRA Survey), which was published in July 2020. Our series explores the currently emerging trends and possible future developments in the Dispute Resolution scene based on insights drawn from the SIDRA Survey, so as to help you make strategic decisions.

Hybrid dispute resolution delivers the best of both worlds

Hybrid dispute resolution combines the benefits offered by various dispute resolution mechanisms to best address users’ needs.

Key highlights:

  • Influencing factors in the choice of dispute resolution mechanism
  • Benefits of a hybrid dispute resolution mechanism
  • Key considerations and decisions in putting a hybrid dispute resolution mechanism in place

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Unlocking the potential of third party funding in dispute resolution

Third Party Funding (TPF) can address cost concerns faced by companies in a dispute resolution.

We analyse the major benefits of using TPF and highlight key considerations around getting it right.

Key highlights:

  • The benefits of engaging third party funders
  • Key considerations in selecting the right funding partner
  • Best practices to keep in mind

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Technological advancements reshaping Dispute Resolution

In recent years, Legal Technology (LegalTech) has grown in sophistication and brought many benefits to stakeholders in the Dispute Resolution space. Here we explore the top three useful technology tools employed in cross-border disputes.

Key highlights:

  • How technological advancements will shape the Dispute Resolution scene in the near future
  • The benefits of the top three useful technology tools employed in cross-border disputes
  • What businesses should keep in mind while embracing the digital transformation in Dispute Resolution

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Efficient Alternative Dispute Resolution Strategy

Cross-border disputes are inevitable. There are different Dispute Resolution mechanisms to resolve conflicts but it is critical to choose the best suited approach.

Key highlights:

  • The use of Alternative Dispute Mechanisms (ADR) which are increasingly popular choices
  • Recent trends in ADR, based on the recent SIDRA survey
  • How organisations can formulate an effective alternative Dispute Resolution strategy

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Contact us

Daniel Fu

Partner, Forensics, PwC Singapore

+65 9627 4568


Dmitry Kosarev

Director, Forensics, PwC Singapore

+65 9671 1326


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