Frequently asked questions

1. Who can join the challenge? 
    Any undergraduate or diploma student currently studying at a university/college in Malaysia.

2. How many people can be in a team? 
    There must be three (3) members in a team. They must be from the same university/college, but can be studying different courses. At least one
    member of the team has to be Malaysian.

3. Do I have to pay to join the challenge? 
    No, the challenge is free to join.

4. Can Finalists and Semi-Finalists from the last Trust Builders Challenge enter? 

5. What if the student will graduate between the submission date and the Finals? Can they still enter? 
    That’s fine. As long as the student is an undergraduate at the time of the submission deadline - 22 January, 2018.

6. How do I submit? 
    Submit online at Trust Builders webpage.

7. What do I need to have ready before I submit?

  • The full name, email address, and type of course of each team member
  • The answer to the first and third section of the submission
  • The link to your team’s 30-second YouTube video
  • You must also confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of the challenge

8. Where can I find the Terms and Conditions? 
    At the bottom of the Trust Builders webpage.

9. When do submissions close? 
    Due to numerous requests, we have extended the submission deadline until 11.59pm, 22 January, 2018.

10. Can I save my submission half way through, and come back to it? 

11. Can I amend my submission once I have submitted? 
      No. However, before you hit the submit button you will be prompted to review your answers.

12. How will I know if my submission has gone through? 
      You will receive a notification. If you do not receive the notification, it means that your submission has not gone through.

13. When will I know if our team has made it to the Finals? 
      We will contact the ten (10) Finalist teams by email on 5 February, 2018. We will also announce the finalists on our social media platforms on the same day.

14. Can our team submit more than once? 
      No. Each team can only send in one (1) submission, and each participant can only be in one (1) team.

15. Are there any limits to the number of students participating from a specific university or college? 
      No, there is not.

16. Are there specifications for the video? 
      Yes – you can find the specifications in the Challenge Terms and Conditions. There are quite a few!

17. Does the video have to be 30 seconds? 
      It must be no longer than 30 second. It can, of course, be shorter.

18. Can the video use animation? 

19. What does it mean “The number of likes your video gets will, in part, contribute to the 20%.” 
      That means that you need to get your friends and family to watch and LIKE your video. The more likes you get, the more it will contribute towards
      your score in this section. Therefore, the earlier you post your video on YouTube, the longer you have for people to view – and hopefully
      LIKE - your video. The maximum percentage you can get is 5% towards your final score.

20. I have so many questions! Who can I contact? 
      On 12 December 2017, we hosted a 30 minute Facebook Live Talk Show called #HeyPwC Talk Show. Finalists and a judge from last year's Trust Builders
      Challenge shared their tips. Watch it now to see if it answers any of your questions:

21. I watched the #HeyPwC Talk Show and read through all these FAQs, but I still have questions! Who can I contact? 
      Have you checked out the Challenge Terms and Conditions? If you have, and still can’t find the answer, please contact us at


1. How many teams will proceed to the finals?
    Ten (10) teams will proceed to the finals.

2. Will there be a semi-finals? 
    No, there will be no semi-finals in this year’s challenge.

3. Where will the finals be held?
    The finals will be held at our PwC offices at 1 Sentral, Kuala Lumpur

4. When will the finals be?
    Finals will be held on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 March, 2018.


     Friday, 2 March Agenda

    Saturday, 3 March Agenda

  5. How long will the presentations in the finals be? 
      Presentations are limited to 5 minutes, followed by a 10 minutes Q&A session from the judges, and then 5 minutes of feedback.

  6. When will the finalists be announced? 
      Finalists will be announced on 5 February, 2018.

  7. Are there any limitations to what we can ask the mentors?
      No, there are no limits – however, the mentors are there to guide you, not to give you the solutions. Use them as sounding-boards for your ideas or ask
      them to ask you difficult questions. It is up to your group how to utilise their experience.

  8. What if I want to meet my mentors in person, will PwC reimburse my expenses?

  9. What does “validate your solution by gathering viewpoints from the public” mean? 
      So, you’ve come up with a great solution on how your team would rebuild trust amongst your company’s employees. But how do you know it’s great? You 
      need to substantiate your idea by asking people if it would work with them. Survey or focus group? Qualitative or quantitative?  You decide – but you’ll
      need to impress the judges with what you’ve found, and how you found it.

10. As a Finalist, can I watch the other teams present?

11. What can I do while the other teams are presenting? 

  • Use our break-out rooms to practice with your team
  • Have a professional CV photo taken in our studio 
  • Chat with one of our recruiters about life and work at PwC 
  • Take this opportunity to network with other students and the mentors 

12. Can I leave after my presentation, and come back for the Prize-Giving ceremony? 
      Sure, just make sure to make it back well before the stated time, in case we finish early!

13. I’m from Sabah/Penang/Johor Bahru. If our team is chosen, will PwC help arrange our transport to Kuala Lumpur for the finals?  
      PwC will either arrange or reimburse transport cost for Finalist teams travelling to/from Kuala Lumpur from outside Klang Valley. However, you will be 
      responsible for your own accommodation. We will send you a list of accommodation options within 1 Sentral area.

14. Can we replace a team member from the one on our submission form? 
      Yes. Details of the new team member must be forwarded by 10 February, 2018.

15. Will my friends and family be able to come and watch the finals? 
      Yes. Each Finalist team is allowed to invite a maximum of 6 supporters to the finals on Saturday, 3 March. They must arrange their own transport to/from
      1 Sentral.

16. Who will the judges be? 
      This year we have five judges. Click here to find out who they are.

17. What criteria will the Final’s presentations be judged upon? 
      Find out here

18. Where’s the easier place to park near 1 Sentral? 
      We recommend the carpark at Nu Sentral. From there it’s a 15 minute walk to 1 Sentral.

19. Can I take a Uber, Grab or taxi instead of driving? 
      Sure. Just add the destination as "1 Sentral" and you'll come straight to our doors.

20. How do I get from KL Sentral to 1 Sentral?
      If you’ve arrived by LRT/MRT/KTM/Monorail, it will take you about 15 minutes to walk to 1 Sentral. Exit KL Sentral near the Burger King on the ground floor.
      Turn right (away from Nu Sentral Mall), and continue along the covered walkway. Cross the main road and follow the signs to 1 Sentral.

21. Can my friends and family attend the dinner?
      No. However, your family and friends are welcome to join us the day after  to watch your presentation and stay for the prize-giving ceremony. Each team is
      allowed to invite 6 supporters to the finals on Saturday, 3 March.


1. What are the prizes?

  • The first prize includes a trip to Vietnam, where they will take part in PwC’s Onboarding programme, an internship at PwC Malaysia, 1 day of job shadowing, and a first place certificate.
  • The second prize includes an internship at PwC Malaysia, and a second place certificate.
  • The third prize is an invitation to participate in one of our Corporate Responsibility activities, and a third place certificate.
  • The best presenter will win a trip to Vietnam to assist with their Onboarding programme, an internship at PwC Malaysia, and a best presenter certificate.
  • All finalists will receive PwC merchandise, face-time session with PwC’s senior management, a celebratory dinner, and a finalist certificate. They’ll also be recognized as a PwC Trust Ambassador.

2. Can I exchange my prize for cash? 

3. When would the trip to Vietnam be? 

4. How long would the trip to Vietnam be for? 
    5 days

5. Would PwC be able to provide a letter for classes missed during the trip (if applicable)? 


Contact us

PwC Malaysia

Trust Builders Team, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1188

Follow us