New world. New skills
A PwC global survey found that workers feel positive about technology’s impact on the future of jobs. Upskilling is needed to provide opportunities for all.
As organisations increasingly focus on digital strategies for growth, the role of human resource (HR) leaders is changing, creating a strong opportunity for them to redefine and reposition the digital HR agenda while responding to the pressing needs of their organisation in the current climate.
PwC’s Digital HR Transformation Survey 2022 reveals that a vast majority (96%) of HR leaders see the role of HR moving away from being just a service provider to focus more on being employee experience designers, change agents and talent developers. Additionally, the survey results highlight that HR’s contribution in an organisation’s digital transformation goes way beyond digitising the HR function.
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As employees today increasingly deal with digital disruptions, most HR leaders believe that upskilling (57%) and managing a changing culture and mindset (49%) are becoming more important. Yet, only one out of four HR leaders indicate that they have a clearly defined digital HR transformation strategy cascading across the organisation.
This publication provides Southeast Asia’s top HR leaders’ perspectives and the key insights from PwC’s Digital HR Transformation Survey 2022, conducted in July last year, across five countries in Southeast Asia including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam.
In our 2021 Global Culture survey, 72% of senior leaders reported that their culture helps successful change initiatives happen. More than half (54%) of the HR leaders in our survey indicated that embedding a digital culture is high on their transformation agenda. Creating a digital mindset and digital-first culture to how organisations service their customers and clients is seen as one of the critical success factors of digital transformation.
Our research showed organisations seem to expect the HR function to be responsible for driving the cultural and mindset change. Nearly half (49%) of the HR leaders indicated that their leadership teams expect the HR function to be responsible for the required culture and mindset change. However, having leadership ownership is one of the key success factors of a culture change is the extend in which senior leaders take ownership. In the process of embedding a digital culture, business leaders must ensure digitisation across all aspects and functions on the organisation while roping in HR function to support and push the agenda.
As HR tools play a big part in reshaping how employees think, feel and interact with technology, it is crucial that these tools and experiences are aligned with the overarching digital culture. HR technology is at the front-end of employee interactions and is able to set the foundation for a digital mindset and culture in employees. Find out more on strategies to establish a digital culture.
"The purpose of Digital HR transformation goes beyond digitalising the HR function. It can potentially catalyse the adoption of a digital mindset and propel the organisation’s digital transformation journey."
The digital HR transformation agenda is shifting, enabling the HR function to become strategic partners and in leading organisations towards the new world of work.
Find out more on how we can support your Digital HR Transformation agenda.
PwC’s Digital HR Transformation Survey 2022 surveyed the priorities of 67 senior HR leaders across five countries in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam), seeking insights around their digital HR transformation priorities. The survey, aimed at gaining a better understanding of what SEA HR leaders are focused on when it comes to Digital HR, was conducted in July 2021 by the PwC SEA Consulting team. Survey questions were shared on the PwC website with our clients.
Editorial contributors: Jocelle Fernandes, Chandana Gopalpur, Hélène De Clippele, Caroline Regina Parameswaran and Chew Siew Jong.
A PwC global survey found that workers feel positive about technology’s impact on the future of jobs. Upskilling is needed to provide opportunities for all.
Reimagine a world with no limits, where digital is like oxygen, essential to everything we do. Where the merging of technologies bring unparalleled change. Reimagine a world where businesses are borderless and spaceless, enabled by data.
Getting the best from people at every level when there is constant change is the key to sustainable competitive advantage. Solid strategies, processes and technology alone do not deliver results. It takes people to accept, adopt, drive, and sustain the change to realise tangible impact.
Workforce Transformation Leader, PwC South East Asia Consulting, PwC Singapore
Tel: +65 9667 4961