Data and AI outcomes

Harness the power of data to drive business outcomes

In a rapidly changing world, the longevity of organisations is at stake. Forces like evolving customer expectations, competition, more and newer risks, and tighter regulations have made the agility to achieve business outcomes at speed and scale imperative. Therefore, organisations need to build trust into their data and use data to build trust. Yet generating insights is not enough, as their last-mile distribution and consumption are equally – if not more – critical to achieve the desired business outcomes.

With our strategic and holistic approach to data analytics, we help enterprises unlock the full potential of their data to gain and sustain competitive edge, mitigate risks, and drive business growth and success in today's dynamic and ever-evolving market.

How we can help you

Data strategy

It is a foregone conclusion that data, in today’s day and age, is a strategic asset, regardless of the size, sector or type of organisation. So to derive maximum value out of this asset, it is vital to have a robust data strategy in place, which is aligned with the business strategy.

An effective data strategy is:

  • Actionable
  • Relevant (contextualised to the organisation, not generic)
  • Evolutionary (needs continuous revisiting and update)
  • Connected with operationalisation via a target operating model

We support our clients in setting out their data strategy in a number of ways, from co-creating the strategy to periodic reviews of progress in implementation. We believe in applying our practical experience of delivering transformational programmes for data and analytics, in developing the data strategy and holistically working with the c-suite in eliciting the ‘why’, and then setting out the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ of strategic change.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

$15.7 trillion—that’s the global economic growth that AI will provide by 2030, according to PwC research. There’s no doubt AI can truly transform your business, but with great potential comes great risks. A variety of factors can impact AI risks, changing over time, stakeholders, sectors, use cases, and technology. We at PwC help you harness AI’s potential responsibly, while managing new risks and building trust.

We help you find the right AI opportunities with the highest return on investment (ROI), tied to your business objectives. Test concepts thoroughly for rapid adoption. Deliver innovative solutions at scale. PwC’s AI specialists offer expertise and experience with strategy as well as operationalisation of AI, from natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, data engineering, automated ML, to generative AI, and more.

Access PwC’s responsible AI toolkit

Analytics enablement

Organisations aspire to become more data-driven but are unable to translate insights into action and achieve desired outcomes. Building analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities requires overcoming structural, organisational and behavioural barriers that are common across industries:

We recognise these challenges and help data leaders “cross the chasm” between investment and return on investment. Resources tend to be deployed in silos in analytics tools or platforms, data governance, reporting, data literacy and empowerment for business users, and basic change management. To drive tangible outcomes from analytics, data initiatives need to be coordinated and synchronised across various domains.

Our analytics enablement service creates synergies between various initiatives mentioned above, to help your organisation quickly build trust in your data, so that you can proactively meet your business goals.

Data monetisation

Data can generate more than indirect benefits to become a material revenue stream. Unlocking its value to generate top line revenues requires a new mindset as well as new ways of working, besides having a clear data strategy to ensure that the data is trusted.

While it’s easy to be fixated on the outcome, data leaders need to be conscious of the fact that there are various foundational elements which make this possible in a sustainable way. Starting from considerations for data privacy and security, identifying and setting up the right business model for monetisation, to having adequate measures on access controls and governance.

We help you get your data monetisation right the first time, while keeping the interests of all the multiple stakeholders in mind.

Insights automation

Insights automation helps your organisation to scale the process of generation, distribution and access to actionable insights, thus accelerating the journey to becoming a data-driven organisation.

This is a multi-disciplinary endeavour, and encompasses skills across areas like data storytelling, visualisation best practices, dashboarding, automation, and user experience, to name a few. We help you identify, assess, strategise and execute different approaches to achieve insights automation.

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Contact us

Mark Jansen

Mark Jansen

Data Trust Services Leader, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 8100 7123

Ronald Chung

Ronald Chung

Partner, Digital Solutions, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9621 0634

Avinash Kumar

Avinash Kumar

Director, Digital Solutions, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9639 2437

Dion Hamler

Dion Hamler

Director, Digital Solutions, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9750 4613
