Leadership insights

What’s important to the COO in 2025

Five topics shaping the future of operations

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How are COOs driving agility and digital innovation? 

Chief operating officers (COOs) are embracing opportunities for growth, using lessons of the past few years to inform their next moves. This often means taking a long view, which isn’t easy for a role that involves managing a multitude of immediate issues. But imagine the ingenuity and operational agility that’s possible if you could fuse your current capabilities with new initiatives — from advancing digital capabilities to rethinking entire processes. This is where innovation can thrive.

In the spotlight

COOs look to tech to boost efficiency, while keeping an eye on regulations

Operations leaders know that thoughtful technology investments can not only increase efficiency in the short term but improve their company’s long-term position. But what tech has the most potential? In PwC’s October 2024 Pulse Survey, AI and IoT and connected devices topped the list of most important digital investments, with data analytics and intelligent automation not far behind. COOs are also considering potential legislative and regulatory changes following the election. Invest in forecasting, scenario planning and compliance initiatives to better anticipate potential new legislation and policies. Monitor political developments to help make transitions smoother and reduce operational disruptions.

55% of COOs say AI is one of the most important digital investments for transforming their operations function

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What to focus on in 2025


Accelerate tech investments to fuel growth

Digital transformation is seldom easy, and a solid foundation is critical. Embedding key technologies across operations can help build an intelligent digital ecosystem. For instance, in consumer markets, connected supply chains can enable a retailer to offer customers the ability to buy items with flexible delivery and pickup. In manufacturing, smart factories combine the power of robotics and automation, providing data-driven insights and better decision-making.

Beyond improving efficiency and cost control, digital systems can unlock value and help drive long-term growth. Connected supply chains can expand delivery channels and help attain sustainability goals. A robust data ecosystem can position your organization to implement GenAI solutions that can help reinvent processes and ultimately business models.

Additional ways to fuel growth with tech investments


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69% of operations and supply chain officers say tech investments haven’t fully delivered expected results

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