Tim Deacon shares how his experience with PwC Canada has helped him to develop his CFO toolkit and how he’ll drive business forward to make his mark with Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.
“I think the opportunity that really differentiated for me was the opportunity to do an international secondment to the UK so early in my career. This really gave me a global perspective and helped open up a variety of doors and opportunities for me.”
Our recent Alumni spotlight shines on Vincent Massé, a former PwC Canada professional from Montreal, who is now CFO at BBA.
Melissa Simonetta shares what led to her leaving PwC Canada and what prompted her return as a senior marketing manager.
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Alberta Blue Cross.
A conversation with PwC Canada’s Ester Molina about her meaningful and long-lasting connection to PwC and why it's great to be back.