Thank you for your interest in becoming a supplier of products and/or services to PwC Canada.
At PwC Canada, we expect the same level of integrity and business conduct from our third party suppliers and their personnel as we do our own people. These standards are explained in the PwC Global Third Party Code of Conduct (GTPCC).
Knowing, understanding, and behaving according to the GTPCC is a fundamental requirement to working for or with us. PwC Canada expects third party suppliers to be mindful of their ethical responsibilities and to embed the behaviours outlined in the GTPCC into their work for or with PwC Canada.
Global Third Party Code of Conduct (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.42 MB)
If you agree with the standards of integrity and business conduct expressed in the GTPCC you may continue with the registration process.
By clicking on the “Register now” button below, you will be redirected to the PwC Canada Supplier Portal (the “Portal”). In the Portal, you will be asked to submit details about your organization that will help us evaluate your products and services.
Registering in the Portal is free, easy and only takes a few minutes. Once you select the "Register now" button, you will be routed to a secure website to complete the registration process. Your private supplier portal will allow you to provide and maintain additional details about your organization and invite colleagues to become users on the website.
A PwC Canada Procurement professional will review your submission and if an opportunity arises that PwC Canada believes fits your organization’s service and/or product profile or additional information on your organization’s capabilities is required, we will contact you.
Please note that your completion of the registration process (i) does not guarantee that any current or future business will be awarded to your organization by PwC Canada, and (ii) imposes no legal obligations on PwC Canada.
Register NowOpens in a new window
PwC Canada
If you have any questions, please contact for assistance.