Chris Polson

Chris Polson

Partner, Forensic Services, PwC Canada

Chris provides expert evidence in connection with complex forms of financial analysis, including both business valuation and damage quantification. He draws upon his extensive corporate finance experience to bring a real-world perspective to complex financial issues.

Chris has testified in both US and Canadian courts as well as numerous arbitration and mediation proceedings, and is often appointed as an arbitrator or independent accounting expert for the purposes of resolving commercial disputes. He has also held a number of leadership and advisory roles within the capital markets industry, including as an advisor to the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC); advisor to CPA Ontario; the President and Chairman of the CFA Society Toronto, and the current Vice-Chair of the CBV Institute.

In addition to an Honours Bachelor of Commerce (with Distinction) and a Masters of Business Administration, Chris holds the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Chartered Management Accountant (CMA), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and Chartered Business Valuator (CBV) designations, as well as the Certificate in Financial Forensics (CFF) credential.

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