John Matheson

John Matheson

Partner, Deals - Transaction Services, PwC Canada

John Matheson is a Partner in the Deals practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers working in the Toronto office. He has assisted clients with over US$150 billion in transactions involving over 50 countries.

His deal experience includes due diligence (buy/sell side), deal negotiation, purchase and sale agreement advisory work and project management for multi-discipline diligence projects. He co-leads PwC Canada’s Deal Analytics team, which focuses on helping clients drive more value from their deals through deep data analytics, and leads Transformation initiatives as part of PwC Canada's Deals Leadership Group.

John joined PwC in 2002 in the Vancouver office of PwC Canada. His career with PwC includes a three-year secondment with the London office of PwC UK and four and a half years in the Beijing office of PwC China.

John holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia, graduating on the Dean’s List. He is a Canadian Chartered Professional Chartered Accountant and placed in the top 2% of thousands of candidates on the 2005 Uniform Examination, achieving “Honor Roll” status.

Contact details

Tel: +1 416 687 8171


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