Navigating CDOR cessation and planning for what’s next

A webinar to help companies with the last stage of the transition

The publication of the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (CDOR) ceases soon, at the end of June 2024. As this date approaches quickly, companies are in the final stages of transitioning their loans and derivatives away from CDOR and looking for replacement products to fill the gap left by the Bankers’ Acceptance market that will no longer exist.

To help companies with the journey, we recently hosted a webinar moderated by PwC Canada’s Wholesale Banking and Capital Markets Consulting Leader, Samantha Paisley. The event, which featured panellists from industry, market infrastructure and regulatory bodies, included an overview of the CDOR transition, lending and hedging practices and the shift away from the Bankers’ Acceptance market.

This webinar highlighted key considerations that issuers, investors and corporate entities should be aware of as they work through the final months of the transition. Industry representatives from the Bank of Canada’s Canadian Alternative Reference Rate Working Group (CARR) presented transition updates, insights and best practices as we enter the final stages of this multiyear effort. 

Watch our recording of the webinar to learn more about the CDOR transition and reach out to us for more information.


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Samantha Paisley

Samantha Paisley

Wholesale Banking and Capital Markets Consulting Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 869 2443

Jason Boggs

Jason Boggs

National Banking and Capital Markets Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 941 8311
