Digital champions 2025
Learn from Digital Champions what capabilities, enablers, and organisational changes are most important to take your supply chain to the next level.
Our operations practice connects clients’ strategies with execution. We start with the premise that operations can and should be a strategic asset, and we bring the industry, functional and technology depth required to rapidly close the gap between ideas and results. Whether you’re looking at procurement, supply chain, digitization or asset management, we have what it takes to be your partner of choice to help you innovate to drive growth, strategically reduce costs, improve operational flexibility, manage risk, improve capital efficiency, comply with complex regulatory requirements or realize deal value as you work to harness the opportunities of Industry 4.0.
We’ll help you design and implement an operating model to deliver your business strategy by drawing insight from a variety of lenses: customers, processes, technology, information, structure and people. Implementation is collaborative, multi-dimensional and driven to produce rapid results. Our deep industry and multi-functional experience will help deliver complete answers to the most complex business issues you’re facing.
We’ll help you transform procurement into a strategic, commercially focused function by identifying cost savings while also improving service levels and mitigating risk. We guide clients through decision and implementation of mission-critical outsourced or shared services and capital programs. Robust contract and supplier management capabilities help make sure savings are realized, targeted service levels are achieved and risks are proactively managed.
We help develop and implement production and supply chain strategies that balance flexibility and cost goals while delivering superior performance and competitive advantage. By improving fulfillment of customer demand and return, we improve cost, service and quality of both in-house and outsourced operations. To lower cost and increase customer satisfaction we help improve field service, reverse logistics, spare parts and warranty/repair operations in post-sale support.
Supply chains are often global and complex, and companies are constantly challenged to deal with suppliers and disruptive trends. Disruptions take the form of fluctuations in demand and supply, and are often managed in silos by each stakeholder. To help you navigate the business landscape, we provide end-to-end supply chain planning and optimization expertise, tools, and leading practices to achieve significant cost savings and improvements in quality and service.
In industries as diverse as healthcare, financial services and government, we help clients deliver the desired customer experience efficiently and effectively. Customer interface, customer engagement, service delivery and back office operations are harmonized to fulfill the service mission and drive customer loyalty cost-effectively.
We help clients improve their installed asset base and capital expenditures through capital portfolio management, effective project selection, and robust strategies to operate and maintain assets. We assist clients through the end-to-end process of planning, designing, procuring, constructing/implementing, commissioning and decommissioning complex greenfield or brownfield projects, and we improve the upkeep and reliability of vital assets by applying leading practices in identification, planning, scheduling and execution of maintenance activities.
Digital Operations (or Industry 4.0) encompasses end-to-end digitization and data integration of the value chain: offering digital products and services, operating a connected supply chain and digitizing factories and shop floor operations as well as automating all core operations and back-office activities. Generating, analyzing and communicating data seamlessly underpins the gains promised by Industry 4.0, which networks a wide range of new digital technologies to create value. Mastering digital operations requires a deep understanding of collaboration, the commitment of top management, and a clear strategy. Companies that fail to embrace this radical change will likely struggle to survive.