
From the boardroom to the courtroom, we can help you understand the value of what’s at stake.

Providing economic damage quantification for companies and their counsel in litigation, arbitration and mediation.

Protect your business

We’ll help you protect your business, so you can concentrate on what matters most—running your business. Whether you’re already involved in or contemplating a dispute, we’ll help you establish the facts, analyze the issues and independently and objectively quantify the losses you’ve sustained.

Our team of specialists advises on the financial, economic and valuation aspects of claims, assists through the dispute resolution process and provides independent and credible expert testimony. We work on a wide range of disputes, including litigation, arbitration, mediation and regulatory matters.

Our strength comes not only from our forensic accounting and valuation expertise, but also from the way we bring together industry, economic and technical expertise from across the global PwC network to respond to your needs.

How we can help

Commercial litigation

Get accurate, robust and credible assessments of damages.

Our team of specialists will help you quantify economic damages, produce reports and provide testimony on the loss in value of assets and businesses, lost profits and more.

And we'll use our experience at all the levels of court in Canada to help you produce reports and provide testimony on the loss in value of assets and businesses, lost profits and more.

Class action support and litigation risk management

Class action support and administration

Class actions are a unique form of litigation—and we have the team to help you navigate the process.

Our team has the experience you need to defend a class action. We’ll develop a damages model that will withstand scrutiny and provide expert testimony to assist the court in understanding the damages in the matter.  

We also assist plaintiffs and their counsel through the certification process by providing a strategy for quantifying aggregate, as well as individual, damages.

We can also help administer settlements or awards, from validating claims of potential class members to determining individual entitlements.

Our team of specialists has the resources and expertise to manage high volumes of inquiries and applications and the technology to monitor the process for accurate and timely reporting.

Litigation risk mitigation

Companies that become aware of potential litigation can avoid excessive legal costs associated with defending the matter in court, the risk of unexpected punitive damages and the reputational risk that accompanies claims of mismanagement.

How? By taking the first step to assess the financial impact of potential errors before they become the subject of litigation. And we can help. 

Our team of specialists will work with you to quantify the financial impact of potential claims and rectify the situation with a fair return on damages. This allows you to control the process, rather than be drawn into costly and time-consuming litigation.

Contract compliance

Entitlement assessment and contract compliance

Make sure you’re paid or paying the appropriate fees under the licensing agreements and supplier or vendor contracts.

Different accounting policies and practices, as well as changes in accounting guidance, can impact key calculations under these agreements, affecting terms such as sales returns, damaged goods and consignment sales. Understand your agreement to make sure you’re getting what you’re entitled to.

In the event of a dispute, our experienced professionals can support your claim with legal and alternative dispute resolution methods.

Post-close M&A disputes

Whether it’s a dispute with the working capital and earn-out provisions or something more complex with your acquisition or sale, we can help you find clarity.

Get help quantifying losses, finding and addressing misrepresentations and preparing or reviewing dispute claims.

Construction disputes

Addressing disputes arising from construction projects can be complex.

Drawing on the knowledge and experience of our industry, accounting, business and construction specialists, we can help you analyze and resolve a variety of issues including contract disputes, disruption, damage claims and fraud.

Family and estate disputes

We understand issues involving family members need special consideration. Our team has experience presenting our independent findings in a balanced way, so you can avoid unnecessary conflict and focus on the best outcome for your family.

We help clients in a variety of disputes based in family law, including matrimonial disputes, expert determinations, income reports, estate valuations and disputes among family members.

“We’re thrilled to be recognised as an outright leader in the ALM Disputes and Litigation Consulting analysis. This reflects our long-term investment in our global dispute resolution capability. We’ve been working with clients to help them deal with contentious matters in a strategic manner, addressing increasingly complex issues in an evolving global economy.”

John Fisher, PwC’s Global Disputes Leader

Contact us

Domenic Marino

Domenic Marino

National Deals Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 941 8265

Jason M. Boyer

Jason M. Boyer

Partner, Deals, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 604 806 7096

Jennifer Perry

Jennifer Perry

Partner, Forensic Services, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 905 815 4372

Chris Polson

Chris Polson

Partner, Forensic Services, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 687 9247

Paul Sharp

Paul Sharp

Partner, Deals, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 403 390 5954

Jake Dwhytie

Jake Dwhytie

Managing Director, Forensic Services, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 687 8276

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