Motion Materials

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Title Date
Draft Approval and Vesting Order 2022-06-28
Draft Amended and Restated CCAA Termination Order 2022-06-28
Filed Affidavit of Shane K. Abel 2022-06-28
Bench Brief of the Applicant  2022-06-28
Brief of Authorities of the Applicant 2022-06-28
Filed Application - 130374550.1 2022-06-27
Application (Approval and Vesting Order, and Amended and Restated CCAA Termination Order) 2022-06-24
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn June 24, 2022 2022-06-24
Bench Brief of the Applicant 2022-03-23
Filed Affidavit of Shane K. Abel - 2022 - 03 - 22 2022-03-22
Filed Application (CCAA Termination Order) - 2022-03-22 2022-03-22
Form of CCAA Termination Order 2022-03-21
Form of CCAA Termination Order (backlined) 2022-03-21
Application (CCAA Termination Order) 2022-03-18
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn March 18, 2022 2022-03-18
Application (Stay Extension Order to March 31, 2022)
Bench Brief of the Applicant 2021-06-18
Brief of Authorities of the Applicant 2021-06-18
Bench Brief of the Applicant dated June 17, 2021 2021-06-17
Brief of Authorities of the Applicant 2021-06-17
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn June 9 2021 2021-06-09
BXE Application (Approval and Reverse Vesting Order) 2021-06-09
Bench Brief of the Applicant dated May 19, 2021 2021-05-19
Brief of Authorities of the Applicant 2021-05-19
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn April 26, 2021 2021-04-26
Application (Distribution and Transition Order, and Approval and Vesting Order) 2021-04-26
Alberta Court of Appeal- Reasons for Dismissal of Leave Application re BP Priority Matter 2021-03-05
First Lien Lenders Memorandum of Argument and Schedules - Opposing BP Canada Leave to Appeal, filed February 12, 2021 2021-02-12
First Lien Lenders Book of Authorities - Opposing BP Canada Leave to Appeal, filed February 12, 2021 2021-02-12
Bellatrix - Book of Authorities re Opposing BP Canada Leave to Appeal 2021-02-12
Bellatrix’s Memorandum of Argument re Opposing BP Canada Leave to Appeal 2021-02-12
Bench Brief of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd January 13, 2021 2021-01-13
Book of Authorites - BP Canada - Permission to Appeal 2021-01-12
Memorandum of BP for Permission to Appeal 2021-01-12
BXE January 2021 Application (Stay Extension Order) 2021-01-11
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn January 11, 2021 2021-01-11
BP Application- Permission for Leave to Appeal BP Priority Decision on BP Disclaimer 2021-01-08
Notice of Appeal and Civil Appeal Commencement Letter- BP re Priority Decision on BP Disclaimer 2021-01-08
BXE Factum re BP Appeal.pdf 2020-07-24
BP Book of Authorities re BP Appeal 2020-07-24
BXE-Extracts of Key Evidence of the Appellant - Vol 1 and 2 2020-07-24
Application (Stay Extension and Distribution Order) 2020-09-21
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn September 21, 2020 2020-09-21
BP Canada - Respondent's Extracts of Key Evidence 2020-08-31
BP Canada - Factum of the Respondent 2020-08-31
BP Canada - Book of Authorities of the Respondent 2020-08-31
Bench Brief of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (Re BP Priority Matter) August 18, 2020 2020-08-18
Brief of Law of BP Canada and Supporting Materials-(re Priority Application) August 18, 2020 2020-08-18
Brief of Law of National Bank as First Lien Agent (re Priority Application) August 18, 2020 2020-08-18
Cross Application re BP Priority Matter August 27, 2020 2020-08-07
First Lien Lender Application re BP Priority Matter August 27, 2020 2020-08-07
Agreed Statement of Facts re BP Priority Matter 2020-08-07
Court of Appeal re BP Disclaimer- Appeal Record (Bellatrix) 2020-07-15
Court of Appeal re BP Disclaimer- Appeal Record (BP) 2020-07-15
Amended Notice of Appeal- BP- Filed June 22, 2020 2020-06-22
BMO Application for Leave to Appeal Completion Fee Decision- June 8, 2020 2020-06-08
Memorandum of Argument for Leave to Appeal filed June 8, 2020 2020-06-08
BMO Application re Leave to Appeal- Affidavit of Elena Pratt sworn_filed June 8, 2020 2020-06-08
Monitor's Certificate re closing of Spartan Transaction 2020-06-01
TAQA Asset Exchange Approval and Vesting Order dated May 22, 2020 2020-05-22
Stay Extension and Distribution Order dated May 22, 2020 2020-05-22
Assignment Order dated May 22, 2020 2020-05-22
Approval and Vesting Order dated May 8, 2020 2020-05-08
Book of Authorities of the Applicant 2020-05-20
Bench Brief of the Applicant 2020-05-20
BP Bench Brief 2020-05-19
Affidavit of Fotis Kalantzis_May 15, 2020 2020-05-15
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn May 15, 2020 2020-05-15
BXE Application (Assignment Order, TAQA Asset Exchange Approval and Vesting Order, and Stay Extension and Distribution Order) 2020-05-15
Affidavit of M. Caiger sworn May 14 2020 2020-05-14
Affidavit of A. Ng with Exhibits (sworn May 12, 2020) 2020-05-12
First Lien Lender Application (May 12) 2020-05-12
Bench Brief of Yangarra- May 12, 2020 2020-05-12
Tangarra- Supplemental Affidavit of J. Evaskevich- May 12, 2020 2020-05-12
Bench Brief- EIG and KKR's Cross Application re Spartan Approval 2020-05-07
Blackline to previous form of Approval and Vesting Order 2020-05-06
Updated Approval and Vesting Order for Spartan Approval Application 2020-05-06
Affidavit of A. Harmes re Service- sworn May 6, 2020 2020-05-06
Affidavit of Eric Long re EIG Cross Application 2020-05-06
EIG Cross-Application re Spartan Transaction 2020-05-06
Bellatrix Book of Authorities re Sale Approval Application 2020-05-05
Bellatrix Factum re Sale Approval Application 2020-05-05
Application for Approval and Vesting Order re Spartan Transaction 2020-04-27
Affidavit of Mark Caiger sworn April 26, 2020 2020-04-26
Proposed Stay Extension Order- March 31, 2020 2020-03-25
Application (Stay Extension Order) 2020-03-20
Affidavit of Shane K. Abel sworn March 20 2020
Transcript of Reasons for Judgement- Bellatrix re BP Disclaimer 2020-02-04
Bench Brief of Bellatrix re BP Disclaimer - Filed January 21, 2020 2020-01-21
BP Brief of Law re BXE Disclaimer (GasEDI Application) filed 01.16.20 01-16-2020
Transcript of Oral Questioning- Garrett Ulmer (filed January 15 2020) 01-15-2020
BXE Bench Brief re Stay Extension, Filed January 14, 2020 01-14-2020
Affidavit of G. Ulmer - Filed January 9 2020 01-09-2020
Affidavit of Shane K Abel re Stay Extension Hearing, Filed January 9, 2020 01-09-2020
Application by BP Canada Energy [Disclaimer of BP Contracts] 01-02-2020
Affidavit of Gerry Hrap [Disclaimer of BP Contracts] 01-02-2020
Brief of Bellatrix (& Authorities), Filed December 12, 2019 12-12-2019
Affidavit No. 2 of Laura Allegro, Filed December 11, 2019 12-11-2019
TAQA- Affidavit of Lynn Bailey re December 16 Application, filed 9 December 2019 12-09-2019
TAQA- Brief of Argument of the Applicants re December 16 Application- Filed December 9, 2019 12-09-2019
TAQA- Book of Authorities re December 16 Application- filed December 9, 2019 12-09-2019
Second Affidavit of Brenda Merz - Filed November 26, 2019 11-26-2019
Affidavit of Laura Allegro, Filed November 25 11-25-2019
Affidavit of Brenda Merz Volume 2 of 2 sworn November 22, 2019 filed November 25, 2019 11-25-2019
Affidavit of Brenda Merz Volume 1 of 2 sworn November 22, 2019 filed November 25, 2019 11-25-2019
TAQA Application Nov 22, 2019 11-22-2019
Affidavit of JVSA re TAQA Application- filed Nov 22,2019 11-22-2019
Affidavit of Brenda Merz.SWORN November 22, 2019 11-22-2019
Tidewater Application re BXE Disclaimer
BXE Affidavit of G. Ulmer re Tidewater Disclaimer Application 11-14-2019
Affidavit of Reed McDonnell-Tidewater re BXE Disclaimer 10-25-2019
Sealing Application- Tidewater re BXE Disclaimer 10-25-2019
Application by Bellatrix for Stay Extension and Priority Order 10-04-2019
Affidavit of B Eshleman sworn October 2 2019 10-03-2019
Brief of Authorities of the Applicant 10-03-2019
Bench Brief of the Applicant  10-03-2019
Originating Application 10-03-2019

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Contact us

Philipp Krosanke

Senior Associate, Deals, PwC Canada

Tel: 403 509 7452

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