Chapter 15 Proceedings

This page is for information purposes only and you should consult your professional adviser if you have any questions or are uncertain as to your rights or obligations.

Title Date
Cancellation of hearing scheduled for November 9, 2021 (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-11-04
Order Approving Entry of a Final Decree  (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-11-03
Notice of the Monitor’s Final Report and Motion for an Order Approving Entry of a Final Decree (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-10-06
Order Recognizing and Enforcing the Order of the Canadian Court Sanctioning and Approving the Canadian Plan (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-06-16
Declaration of Joseph Reynaud as Canadian Counsel to the Monitor in Support of Motion of the Monitor for Entry of an Order Enforcing the Plan Sanction Order of the Canadian Court (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-06-16
Notice of Filing of Plan Sanction Order of the Canadian Court (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-06-16
Notice of Agenda of Matters Scheduled for Hearing on June 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (ET) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-06-15
Motion of the Monitor for Entry of an Order Enforcing the Plan Sanction Order of the Canadian Court (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-06-01
Order granting recognition and related relief (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-08-04
Notice of Filing and Hearing on Petition Seeking Recognition of Canada Proceeding and Enforcement of Initial Order in the United States (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-09
Joint Administration Order (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-09
Manner and Form Order (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-09
Provisional Relief Order (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-09
Verified Petition (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08
Joint Administration (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08
Manner of Service (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08
Provisional Relief (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08
DAVIDsTEA (USA) Inc. Petition (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08
DAVIDsTEA Inc. Petition (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08
Filed Agenda (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-07-08

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Contact us

Victor Myre Leroux

Manager, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 514 205-5359

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