Service List

Status of file as of July 9, 2024

On July 5, 2024 (the “Sale Approval Date”), the Court issued an order (the “Sale Process Approval Order”) which, among other things approved the Sale Process (“Sale Process”).

Unless otherwise defined, capitalized terms used on this page of the website shall be as defined in the Sale Process Approval Order. 

The full text of the Sale Process as well as its terms and conditions are set out in Schedule “A” to the Sale Process Approval Order, a copy is posted below. A summary of the Sale Process can be found in the Monitor’s Second Report, dated July 4, 2024.
The purpose of the Sale Process is to solicit interest in and opportunities for a sale of the Indiva’s business, including substantially all of the property, assets, and undertakings of the Companies. SNDL Inc. will act as a Stalking Horse Purchaser in the Sale Process.

The following table sets out key milestones in the Sale Process:

All terms capitalized and not defined on this page have meanings given to them in the Sale Process or the Sale Process Approval Order



July 10, 2024

Monitor to commence solicitation of interest from parties, including delivery of the Teaser Letter and sales packages, and establish confidential data room

August 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Bid Deadline

If no Qualified Bids are received other than the Stalking Horse Bid

August 27, 2024

Selection of Stalking Horse Bid as Successful Bid

September 6, 2024, or the earliest date available thereafter

Approval and Vesting Order Motion

As soon as possible but no later than September 20, 2024

Closing of Stalking Horse Bid

If Qualified Bids are selected other than the Stalking Horse Bid

September 1, 2024

Monitor to provide the Lead Bid(s) to the Stalking Horse Bidder and each Qualified Bidder

September 4, 2024

Auction, if needed

September 4, 2024 or such later date immediately thereafter if the Auction is not completed in one day

Selection of Successful Bid and Back-Up Bid, if needed

September 18, 2024 (Eastern Time) (pending the Court’s availability)

Approval and Vesting Order Motion (if there is an Auction)

As soon as possible but no later than September 30, 2024

Closing of the Successful Bid (the “Outside Date”)

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Contact us

Tammy Muradova

Consulting & Deals, PwC Canada

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