Notices to creditors

This page is for information purposes only and you should consult your professional adviser if you have any questions or are uncertain as to your rights or obligations.

Title Date
Notice to Creditors of Meeting - Nov 19, 2020 (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-19
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors - Conte Holdings Inc., Statement of Affairs, Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- Lenaco Homes Masterbuilder Inc., Statement of Affairs,  Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.72 MB) 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- Lenaco Properties Inc., Statement of Affairs, Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors - Angelo's Building Supplies 2015 Inc., Statement of Affairs Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- 1847443 Alberta Ltd., Statement of Affairs,  Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- 1860808 Alberta Ltd., Statement of Affairs, Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- 1901902 Alberta Ltd., Statement of Affairs, Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- 1909479 Alberta Ltd., Statement of Affairs, Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- Conte Holdings Inc., Statement of Affairs, Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05
Notice of bankruptcy and first meeting of creditors- I&G Holdings Ltd., Statement of Affairs Proof of Claim and Proxy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-09-05

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Contact us

Sumeet Saroya

Senior Associate, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 780 441 6701 ext 3313

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