Monitor's reports

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Title Date
Twenty-Third report of the Monitor (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2022-05-26
Twenty-Second report of the Monitor (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2021-05-26
Twenty-First report of the Monitor (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-12-01
Twentieth report of the Monitor (available in French only) (PDF) 2020-08-31
Nineteenth report of the Monitor (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-03-27
Eighteenth report of the Monitor (available in French only)  (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-21
Seventeenth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-12-12
Sixteenth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-11-25
Fifteenth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only)  (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-10-15 
Fourteenth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-09-11
Thirteenth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-08-13 
Twelfth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only)  (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-05-31
Eleventh report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only)  (PDF) 2019-03-04
Tenth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2019-01-28
Ninth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2018-07-13
Eighth report of the Monintor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2018-06-06
Seventh report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (available in French only)  (PDF)Opens in a new window 2018-03-28 
Sixth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (PDF)Opens in a new window 2018-01-25
Fifth report of the Monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (UNDER SEAL (not available)) 2017-11-17
Fourth report of the monitor on the business and financial affairs of the debtor company (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-10-26
Third report of the Monitor (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-07-26
Second report of the Monitor (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-05-17
First report of the Monitor (PDF)Opens in a new window 2017-04-26

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Victor Myre Leroux

Manager, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 514 205-5359

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