Guardian Bankruptcy

This page is for information purposes only and you should consult your professional adviser if you have any questions or are uncertain as to your rights or obligations.

Title Date
AAS Notice of Application (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.32 MB) 2021-08-13
Affidavit #1 of Blake Bromley (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 4.0 MB) 2021-08-11
Affidavit #1 of Jennifer Pepper (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 4.0 MB) 2021-08-10
Meeting of Creditors Minutes (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.10 MB) 2021-04-13
Reasons For Judgment (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.34 MB) 2021-02-18
Trustee's Preliminary Report to Creditors (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.13 MB) 2021-02-03
Proof of Claim form (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.14 MB) 2021-01-21
Notice of Bankruptcy and First Meeting of Creditors (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.06 MB) 2021-01-21
Order (Guardian Claims) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.13 MB) 2021-01-20
Application Response (Southern Star) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 1.8 MB) 2021-01-19
Southern Star Book of Authorities (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 14.5 MB) 2021-01-19
Notice of Application (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.29 MB) 2021-01-15
Trustee's First Report to Court (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 16.4 MB) 2021-01-15
Certificate of Appointment (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.11 MB) 2021-01-15
Form 21 Assignment (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.18 MB) 2021-01-15

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Contact us

Kiran Chahal

Senior Associate, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 604 806 7787

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