Motion Materials

Title Date
Notice of Application (Monitor's Discharge) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.83 MB) 2021-06-17
Application Response (Southern Star) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.09 MB) 2020-12-16
Book of Authorities (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.02 MB) 2020-12-15
Application Record (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.02 MB) 2020-12-15
Notice of Application (Petitioner) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 1.3 MB) 2020-12-14
Notice of Application (ex-Parte) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 5.3 MB) 2020-12-09
Reply Book of the Respondent (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 15.7 MB) 2020-12-04
Notice of Appearance (PwC as Monitor) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.11 MB) 2020-12-03
Notice of Appearance (BMO) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.12 MB) 2020-12-01
Southern Star Notice of Motion (BCCA) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.37 MB) 2020-12-03
Southern Star Book of Authorities (BCCA) - 485 pages (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 7.9 MB) 2020-12-03
Notice of Appearance (1114586 B.C. Ltd.) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.18 MB) 2020-12-02
Southern Star Motion Book (BCCA) - 1,790 pages - filed (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 70.4 MB) 2020-12-03
Notice of Appearance (RCM Capital Management and SESA-BC Holdings Ltd.) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.05 MB) 2020-12-03
Notice of Appearance (Primacorp Ventures Inc.) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.14 MB) 2020-12-01
Notice of Appearance (Vanchorverve Foundation) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.19 MB) 2020-11-27
Notice of Appearance (Quest University Canada) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.04 MB) 2020-11-27
Notice of Application for Leave To Appeal (Southern Star) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.89 MB) 2020-11-27
Affidavit No. 1 of Chelsey Cochrane (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.56 MB) 2020-11-13
Affidavit No. 2 of Jessica Pinard (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 3.7 MB) 2020-11-12
Application Response (Capilano University) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.23 MB) 2020-11-11
Affidavit No. 1 of Gary D'Andrea (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.74 MB) 2020-11-11
Affidavit No. 9 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 5.0 MB) 2020-11-10
Written Submissions of the Petitioner (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.25 MB) 2020-11-10
Application Response (Quest) to NOA of Southern Star (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 1.2 MB) 2020-11-10
Application Response (BMO) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.11 MB) 2020-11-10
Affidavit #1 of Jamie Edwardson (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.45 MB) 2020-11-10
Affadavit #1 of Ryan Andrews (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-10
Application Response (Landrex Ventures Inc.) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-10
Affidavit No. 1 of Vivian Krause (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 5.7 MB) 2020-11-09
Affidavit No. 2 of Michael Hutchinson (PDF) (file size: 5.1 MB) 2020-11-06
Affadavit No. 1 of Jessica Pinard (PDF) (file size: 17.0 MB) 2020-11-06
Notice of Application (Southern Star) (PDF) 2020-11-06
Application Response (Southern Star) (PDF) 2020-11-06
Notice of Application (Amending Letter) (PDF) 2020-11-06
Affidavit No. 6 of Miriam Dominguez (PDF) (file size: 4.7 MB) 2020-11-06
Quest University Faculty Union (Application Response) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-03
Notice of Application (Sealing Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.24 MB) 2020-11-03
Affidavit No. 5 of Miriam Dominguez (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-01
Affidavit No. 8 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-01
Notice of Application (Petitioner) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-11-01
Book of Authorities (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-08-07
Written Submissions of the Petitioner (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-08-07
Notice of Application of Quest (stay extension) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-08-04
Affidavit No. 6 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-08-04
Petitioner's Application Record (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-08
Petitioner's Book of Authorities (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-08
Supplementary Written Submissions of the Petitioner (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-08
Affidavit # 1 of Flordeliz Mercado (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 4.9 MB) 2020-06-07
Application Response of Bank of Montreal (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-07
Application Response of Southern Star (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-07
Bank of Montreal Book of Authorities (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-07
Southern Star Book of Authorities (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.98 MB) 2020-06-07
Affidavit #1 of Michael Hutchinson (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-27
Affidavit No. 5 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-03
Written Submissions of Petitioner (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-06-03
General Requisition (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-27
Affidavit No. 4 of Miriam Dominguez (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-27
Application Response of District of Squamish (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-26
Application Response of Quest University Canada to NOA (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.77 MB) 2020-05-25
Notice of Application of Quest University Canada (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-25
Affidavit No. 4 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-25
Affidavit No. 2 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-25
Notice of Application May 20 2020 (QUFU) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-20
Affidavit # 1 of Tamara Trafton (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-05-19
Affidavit # 3 of Miriam Dominguez (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-28
Affidavit # 1 of Nathaniel McCarthy (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-28
Application Response of Quest to NOA of Vanchorverve (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-26
Affidavit # 2 of Miriam Dominguez (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-26
Affidavit # 1 of Mary Jo Larson (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-26
Notice of Application of the Petitioner (Injunction) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-26
Affidavit # 1 of Flora Ferraro (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-25
Affidavit # 1 of Claude Rinfret (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-25
Affiavit # 1 of Leslie Brandlmayr (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-23
Vanchorverve Application Response (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-23
Vanchorverve Notice of Application (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.89 MB) 2020-01-23
Affidavit # 2 of George Iwama (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-22
Notice of Application - Comeback Hearing and Stay Extension (ARIO) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-22
General Requisition setting hearing, returnable Jan. 27, 2020 (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-20
Affidavit #1 of Miriam Dominguez in support of Petition (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-16
Affidavit #1 of George Iwama in support of Petition (filed) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-16
Petition to the Court -Quest University Canada (PDF)Opens in a new window 2020-01-16

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Contact us

Kiran Chahal

Senior Associate, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 604 806 7787

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