Motion Materials

This page is for information purposes only and you should consult your professional adviser if you have any questions or are uncertain as to your rights or obligations.

Title Date
Responding Motion Record of Rebecca Ross (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 6.8 MB) 2024-11-11
Factum of Rebecca Ross (PDF)Opens in a new window 2024-11-11
Book of Unreported Authorities of the Employee Representative Counsel (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.56 MB) 2024-11-08
Factum of the Employee Representative Counsel (PDF)Opens in a new window 2024-11-08
Factum of the Liquidator (re Employee Claims Methodology Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2024-11-07
Motion Record (re Employee Claims Methodology Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.91 MB) 2024-11-06
Motion Record of the Liquidator (re: Interim Distribution and Claim Adjudication Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.79 MB)  2024-09-14
Factum of the Liquidator (re Claims Procedure Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-10-23
Motion Record (re Claims Procedure Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 1.5 MB) 2023-10-17
Factum of the Liquidator (re Sale Approval and Vesting Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.31 MB) 2023-08-09
Motion Record of the Liquidator for the Approval and Vesting Order (re National Bank Transaction) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-08-03
Factum of the Liquidator (re Approval and Vesting Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-07-17
Motion Record of the Liquidator (re Order approving Activities and Fees) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-07-14
Motion Record of the Liquidator (re Approval and Vesting Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-07-14
Factum of the Liquidator (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-04-28
Motion Record (re Sale and Solicitation Process Approval Order and Approval of Reports Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 2.4 MB) 2023-04-24
Motion Record of the Liquidator (re Amended and Restated Winding-Up Order) (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-03-26
Application Record - March 15, 2023 (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-03-15
Factum - March 15, 2023 (PDF)Opens in a new window 2023-03-15

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Silicon Valley Bank (Canada)

Insolvency assignment, PwC Canada

Tel: (416) 687-9041

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