Doing Business in Canada - Pathfinder™

Supporting companies expanding across borders

Expanding into new countries can be overwhelming. Cultural differences, not to mention variations in government legislation, tax law, corporate and commercial law, employment law and financial regulations, can create pitfalls for the unprepared business.

  • Pathfinder™ provides one–stop access to a multi–disciplinary team of professionals. A project manager is assigned to determine expansion needs and coordinate a team of professionals to advise on the business, financial, tax, legal, human resource, regulatory and logistical aspects of doing business in another country. This allows companies to focus on core issues such as building market share and brand awareness.
  • Pathfinder™ operates in over 50 countries to help businesses manage expansion into new territories and markets. Whether you have a Canadian business expanding into foreign markets (outbound), or you have a foreign business expanding into the Canadian market (inbound), we can help.

PwC Pathfinder™ teams manage and solve the numerous issues involved in a foreign expansion abroad or into Canada.

Our service allows you to gain a competitive advantage. You can spend your time on your business safe in the knowledge that our professionals are taking care of the everyday complications of establishing a new business in another territory.

One of our cross border advisors will become your single point of contact. This advisor will project manage all aspects of the delivery or coordinate various parts of the service. This ensures you always deal with someone who has intimate knowledge of your business.

Our experienced professionals are dedicated to helping businesses set up cross border.

Our team will advise on a wide variety of business issues covering all aspects of doing business cross border.

We have wide–ranging experience across many sectors and industries.

Pathfinder™ Your single point of contact for setting up in Canada

PwC's Pathfinder ™ service provides a convenient, efficient, single point of contact that can help you successfully expand your business into Canada.

Learn more (PDF)

Pathfinder ™ Solutions Guide

Solutions to the common issues facing organizations seeking to do business in Canada.

Learn more (PDF)

Canadian branch versus subsidiary comparison

A comparison of the tax and legal differences of operating as a Canadian branch vs. subsidiary.

Learn more (PDF)

Worldwide tax summaries

This useful reference tool provides quick access to information about corporate and personal taxes in over 150 countries, including Canada.

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Tax facts and figures

This booklet provides up-to-date Canadian federal, provincial and territorial tax changes, tax rates and tax deadlines.

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Tax iQ – Doing Business in Canada Questionnaire

A comprehensive online questionnaire used to assist a non-resident in identifying the various Canadian tax and other non-tax considerations when doing business in the Canadian market.

  • Do you have Canadian customers?
  • Do you have anyone working for you in Canada?
  • Do you have any assets (including inventory) located in Canada?
  • Do you perform services in Canada?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you may be subject to Canadian tax and certain non-tax considerations associated with your Canadian business activity. If you would like to complete our interactive online Tax iQ – Doing Business in Canada Questionnaire, we can help you quickly identify the areas that you should direct your attention to (e.g., corporate income tax (including permanent establishment determination), withholding tax, sales tax, payroll tax, customs, immigration, tax registrations, entity selection, etc.), allowing you to concentrate on core business issues when doing business in the Canadian market. Please contact a member of our Pathfinder team if you would like us to send you our comprehensive questionnaire.

Contact us

Todd Thornton

Todd Thornton

Pathfinder Leader, Partner, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 905 815 6407

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