COVID-19 Implications

What’s new?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, there has never been a more pressing need for organisations to rethink and reconfigure their businesses for a changed world. With the global and national crisis ahead and challenges that require both immediate and long-term actions, the key is to prepare for action.

Measures taken to contain the virus have affected economic activity, which in turn has implications for financial reporting. The implications include not only the measurement of assets and liabilities but also disclosure and possibly an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.

Who is it for?

This training is ideal for finance professionals especially finance managers, heads of consolidation, financial and accounting managers involved in preparing financial statements, controllers, treasurers and financial analysts.

How do we do it?

With detailed case studies, practical insights and frequently asked questions on implementation issues, participants will get a high-level overview of what needs to be done and how to deal with the changes. A 4-hour online training course is structured as follows:

- Rent concessions
- Expected credit losses
- Impairment of non-financial assets
- Fair value measurement
- Going concern consideration
- Loan modifications
- Changes in tax rate

Slides and materials will be provided in English and the course will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia.

Minimum participants: 30 persons per session

Maximum participants: 50 persons per session

Investment amount for open-class workshop: Rp 1,200,000 / pax

Investment amount is subject to VAT 10% and deduction of WHT 2%.

Get 5% discount if you register to all 3 sessions of Big-3 PSAK or pay a bundling price of Rp 5,000,000 for the whole workshop Big-3 PSAK + COVID-19 Implications.

Get additional 5% discount if you're registering for more than 5 people.

To register for the open-class workshop related to this topic, click the registration link in our training calendar.

Want to hold in-house training or customise this training topic fo.r your company? See our in-house training courses in following this link or reach out to our email below

Contact us

PwC's Academy , PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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