Digital Trust NewsFlash Vol.06/2023
OJK Circular Letter No.29/SEOJK.03/2022 on Cyber Security and Resilience for Commercial Banks
OJK Circular Letter No.29/SEOJK.03/2022 on Cyber Security and Resilience for Commercial Banks
Indonesian Personal Data Protection Law
ERM helps organizations manage risk from strategy setting phase up into the execution. It gives organizations a wide view on the risks and its mitigation plans and how they interconnect through its tools, templates and communication that is applied across the organizations.
Our first Robotic Process Automation survey to 54 CFOs in Indonesia on how finance functions are leveraging robotic process automation to digitize their day to day activities.
As one of the world’s largest integrated energy companies, bp has subsidiaries in over 80 countries. Learn how PwC supported bp’s governance function.
Shifting compliance activities from having high costs on customer experience, finances and culture to building trust, enhancing resilience with technology and supporting competitive advantage.
The COVID-19 outbreak has developed rapidly in 2020. Measures taken to contain the virus have affected economic activity, which in turn have implications for financial reporting. The implications include not only the measurement of assets and liabilities but also disclosure and possibly an entity’s ability to continue...
2019 IFRS 16 Post-Implementation Survey