Human rights statement
We believe it’s our responsibility to respect and uphold the human rights of our people and any other individuals we are in contact with in the world.
Post with care is the name of a campaign created to make all PwC partners and staff aware of the internal ‘Network Guidance on the Use of Social Media’ which supplements PwC’s Code of Conduct and applicable Network or local standards and policies.
Watch one of the films from this campaign to see how we’re putting our ethics into action.
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Every year, over 328,000 partners and staff complete training to ensure they’re compliant with our standards of ethics and all applicable laws.
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We believe it’s our responsibility to respect and uphold the human rights of our people and any other individuals we are in contact with in the world.
At PwC we lead with our heart and we prioritise our people. We are committed to Inclusion & Diversity and fostering a culture of belonging in each of our member firms, across the PwC network.
The OECD Guidelines provide a valuable framework for setting applicable compliance requirements and standards.