Korea Business Desk Publications

Pocket Tax Book


This is an unofficial Korean translation of TaxFlash in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend users to refer to the official English version of the TaxFlash in any doubt. No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.



This is an unofficial Korean translation of TaxFlash in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend users to refer to the official English version of the TaxFlash in any doubt. No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.

Omnibus Flash

Other Korean Publications



A Practical Guide to the New and Revised Indonesian Financial Standards for 2021

동 발간물은 2021 년부터 효력을 가지는 인도네시아회계기준(“IFAS”; Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards)의 신규 제·개정사항에 대한 실무가이드입니다. 동 발간물은 기업들이 이러한 기준서에 대한 충분한 이해를 얻어 향후 보고기간에 유용하게 사용할 수 있도록, 보고 요구사항 변경에 대한 개략적인 사항을 포함하고 있습니다.

A Practical Guide to the New and Revised Indonesian Financial Standards for 2020

동 발간물은 2020년부터 효력을 가지는 인도네시아회계기준(“IFAS”; Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards)의 신규 제개정사항에 대한 실무가이드입니다. 동 발간물에서는 해당 제개정사항 중 가장 중요한 공시요구사항 변경들을 다루고 있습니다. PwC는 고객들이 현재 어떠한 사항을 적용하여야 하고, 향후의 보고기간에 어떠한 변화들이 적용되는 지 이해하는 것을 돕고자 합니다.


This is an unofficial Korean translation of our Korean publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend users to refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt. No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.

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Taehun  Jung

Taehun Jung

Advisor, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 509 92901

Inhyuk Park

Inhyuk Park

Advisor, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

Dongcheol Shin (James)

Dongcheol Shin (James)

Advisor, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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