This is an unofficial Korean translation of TaxFlash in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend users to refer to the official English version of the TaxFlash in any doubt. No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.
TaxFlash Vol.13/2018 - 세무상 외국 거주자를위한 거주자 증명서의개정
TaxFlash Vol.11/2018 - 불법적인 VAT 인보이스 발행자에 대한 처벌 강화
TaxFlash Vol.10/2018 - 중소 기업에 대한 파이널 텍스의 시행규정
TaxFlash Vol.09/2018 - 수입재화에 대한 수입원천징수세(Article 22)의 개정
TaxFlash Vol.08/2018 - 외국인 고용을 위한 신규 절차 및 규정
TaxFlash Vol.07/2018 - 중소기업의 위한 신규 파이널 텍스 규정
TaxFlash Vol.05/2018 - 조기 세금 환급신청에 대한 신규 규정
TaxFlash Vol.03/2018 - 신규 Tax Holiday 규정
This is an unofficial Korean translation of TaxFlash in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend users to refer to the official English version of the TaxFlash in any doubt. No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.
This is an unofficial Korean translation of our Korean publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend users to refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt. No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.