Government and Public Services

Given that it is one of the world’s most populous nations with a fast-emerging middle class, PwC expects Indonesia to be among the world’s top five economies by 2050. However, the Indonesian government still needs to overcome many complex challenges on the road to developing an advanced economy.

The President's Priorities

President Jokowi’s inauguration speech in 2019 identified five priority areas for advancing Indonesia’s economy over the next five years, including: the development of human resources; continuing the construction of infrastructure; the creation of omnibus laws and related regulations; a simplification of bureaucracy; and economic transformation. Following the COVID-19 crisis, economic growth and recovery will clearly be an important area of focus for the government over the short to medium term. However, a number of the government’s other priorities will not only support the recovery following the crisis, but also seek to stimulate the longer-term development of the economy, as discussed below:

Infrastructure Development

Addressing Indonesia’s infrastructure deficit remains a key priority of the Jokowi administration, since this is necessary to support the economic transformation of the country. Infrastructure development will improve the connectivity between production and distribution areas, facilitate access to tourist areas, boost employment and accelerate the added value of the people's economy. In line with this priority, improving the policy, planning and delivery of infrastructure represents a central focus of PwC’s Government and Public Service (‘G&PS’) offering. This offering is led by the Capital Projects & Infrastructure (‘CP&I’) team within Advisory Deals Services, but draws upon the infrastructure skills and experiences of other lines of service, including legal, assurance, and tax. As such, the PwC Indonesia infrastructure team brings together functional and industry expertise in order to help clients solve complex issues relating to infrastructure investment and development.



How We Can Help

Our Government & Public Services practice provides a range of professional services to all levels of government in Indonesia, including provincial and regional governments, national ministries and state-owned enterprises. We also service several international development organisations, by supporting their work with the Indonesian government, including multilateral and bilateral funding agencies and NGOs.

We work together with our clients, looking for practical, workable and innovative solutions that make a difference when solving the pressing challenges that are being faced every day, across a range of areas in the public domain, including infrastructure, investment, healthcare, public finance and economic development.

Contact us

Julian  Smith

Julian Smith

Director, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

Adi Pratikto

Adi Pratikto

Partner, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901



Partner, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

Yuliana Sudjonno

Yuliana Sudjonno

Partner, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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