Government institutions are a key requirement if the Government is to ensure that the Indonesian people receive the greatest benefit from economic development, as a result of accountable and well-managed allocation of resources. In June 2019, Indonesia had more than 4.2 million government officers to serve a nation of approximately 269 million citizens, who are spread over 17,504 islands. The Jokowi administration’s plan for 2019–2024 emphasises the importance of bureaucracy reform in order to eliminate ineffective and inefficient processes, improve public services and avoid duplicating permits. Government institutions need to ensure that the programmes are delivered effectively, and that they bring maximum benefits to the people.
PwC has great experience of government institutional reform, from many parts of our global network, which enables us to act as a one-stop source of assistance for transforming bureaucratic institutions, so that they become simpler and more agile but still remain accountable in terms of performing their public service mandates. We solve important problems in order to make institutions more adaptive, productive, digitally-enabled and innovative. One of the most practical solutions for simplifying bureaucracy is to implement e-government systems, which enable citizens to receive more personalised responses much faster, improving accessibility and efficiency. Other benefits of implementing proper e-government systems include cost savings, the removal of autonomous processes by means of automation, and the addition of new capabilities that allow government officers to provide a wider range of services to citizens.