Customers in the spotlight: How FinTech is reshaping banking
Consumer banking is on the verge of disruption, much of which is led by the disaggregation of simple products and service offerings.
The Indonesian financial services market has enormous potential. However, financial institutions face increasing regulation, growing risk considerations, disruptive technologies, shrinking margins, and rising cost levels. All are challenges to growth. Sophisticated strategies and solutions will be required for financial institutions to gain a competitive edge. PwC professionals assist many of today's largest financial services firms with their most challenging issues in every segment of the financial industry: consumer/retail banking, commercial banking, multi-finance, securitisation, capital markets, insurance, investment management, broker/dealer and real estate.
The first edition of the PwC Indonesia Digital Banking Survey attempts to gather and synthesize diverse views from senior banking executives from across banking institutions within Indonesia whilst at the same time protecting the confidentiality of the participants. The survey covers responses from 52 respondents from...
Technology is the recurring theme coming out of our 8th Indonesia Banking Survey. Respondents said technology is the #1 driver of business transformation and the top risk to the industry. Transactions through digital channels are surpassing traditional branches in Indonesia for the first time. The war for talent is...
This short “10 minute” is aimed at helping Directors, Commissioners and others responsible for Governance, to focus on what we believe are the most critical financial reporting and risk issues in the current environment, and the questions you should be asking.
The IRS granted the request to extend FATCA reporting deadline by announcing Notice 2015-66 on 18 September 2015. This new notice essentially defers the starting date for compliance and reporting by one to two years. We caution that although certain reporting obligations may be deferred, the reporting will still need...