Global M&A industry trends: 2025 outlook
M&A in 2025: Big deals, winning hands, and wild cards. Megadeal momentum returns to the market—but dealmakers will need to expect the unexpected.
The insurance industry is undergoing fundamental transformation as it comes up against the impact of new regulation, new technology, accelerating shifts in consumer demand and mounting competition from InsurTech players. In the face of so many disruptive challenges, it’s important not to lose sight of the huge opportunities they’re creating for insurers.
We can help navigate this increasingly complex and uncertain business and geopolitical landscape. To make the most of these opportunities, we can help organizations look beyond the traditional boundaries of the insurance business to embrace new ways of working, new ways of interacting with customers, and whole new possibilities in what their business can deliver.
M&A in 2025: Big deals, winning hands, and wild cards. Megadeal momentum returns to the market—but dealmakers will need to expect the unexpected.
Cautious optimism for an uptick in financial services M&A activity in 2025 as megadeals return and deal values rise.
There's a growing gap between the protection society needs and what insurers can provide. More effective tech and customer-centric distribution can narrow it.
The M&A show must go on. Save the date! M&A activity will bounce back—it’s just a matter of when, and how dealmakers can prepare.
Welcome to the fifteenth edition of PwC’s Global Insurance Run-off Survey.
John B. Riggs, CTO and SVP of Applied Technology Solutions at HSB (Hartford Steam Boiler), describes how the company is using technology to build new ventures and create new business models in the historically risk-averse insurance sector.
The M&A starting bell has rung. Are you ready? Successful dealmakers should look forward, not back, as we enter a new phase of dealmaking in 2024.
The insurance industry is undergoing significant change and transformation in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. After 2018 and 2020, this is our third global Actuarial Modernisation Survey, showing developments and trends in the area of actuarial modernisation.
Making Indonesia the Leader in Shariah Life Insurance
Understand the Environmental, Social and Governance framework in the Asia Pacific insurance industry.
Together with the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI), we interviewed over 600 practitioners, regulators and observers of the insurance industry across 47 territories, to understand what they see as the biggest threats and how they are prioritising them.
PwC Indonesia's first survey of CFOs in the Indonesian Insurance industry highlights the priorities of the CFO and the finance function as we move into the next period of development for the industry. Responses, which came from all parts of the Indonesian insurance market, highlighted a number of key themes which will...