MRT collaborates with Jasa Marga to develop routes and TOD

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Investor Daily - MRT gandeng Jasa Marga kembangkan jalur dan TOD

6 April 2023

By: Tri Murti


Jakarta - PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) and PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk agree to cooperate to develop routes and carry out transit-oriented development (TOD). The agreement has been stated in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by MRT and Jasa Marga.

PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) President Director Tuhiyat said that the cooperation was a collaborative effort between the central government and the regional government to provide a safe, comfortable, and integrated public transportation system in Jakarta. This is in line with the continuity of Jakarta MRT project phase 4, which is the Fatmawati-Kampung Rambutan corridor to Taman Mini area.

“We plan to commence the development of phase 4, Fatmawati-Kampung Rambutan, in 2024. The cooperation with Jasa Marga includes data and document preparation by both parties, the feasibility study, management study and risk management, as well as the business study and plan, specifically for the development of the TOD area here [Travoy Hub/Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Toll Corridor Development (TCD)],” Tuhiyat said in his official statement after the signing of the MoU in Jakarta on Wednesday (5/4/2023).

According to Tuhiyat, the cooperation detail that will be implemented will be determined from the various studies.

“The cooperation exploration is planned to be conducted for up to one year,” he explained.

In line with Tuhiyat, Jasa Marga President Director Subakti Syukur explained that Travoy Hub was a transportation hub and a public hub that is integrated in an area to create a more effective and efficient intermodal interconnection. This cooperation is also in line with the mission to reduce traffic jams and carbon emission through a safe and comfortable public transportation network for the people.

“We are delighted to partner with MRT Jakarta, especially in integrating infrastructure and exploring the TOD business development potential along MRT routes or around toll roads,” Subakti added.

Subakti continued that Jasa Marga through their subsidiary, PT Jasamarga Related Business, was currently constructing Travoy Hub that is located along Jagorawi toll road corridor and merging it with commercial areas, offices, green open spaces, and public spaces to positively contribute to the economy, the social aspects, and the environment. Travoy Hub is developed in two stages.

The progress of the first stage that will be carried out until early April 2023 has reached 97%. It includes the core area that will support public activities along the LRT in Taman Mini in the form of a transit plaza. Meanwhile, the second stage includes the development of supporting areas, which are commercial areas that implement the open space concept as well as public infrastructure that includes hospitals and green open spaces.

Boosting integration

In his speech, State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Deputy Minister II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo appreciated the cooperation between the SOE and the regional state-owned enterprise (BUMD). The SOE Ministry has been supporting intermodal public transportation integration that changes the face of Jakarta by encouraging the people to use public transportation.

“Hopefully Travoy Hub will be a model, especially for park and ride so that the people that live in the suburbs can use it to enter Jakarta,” he explained.

He added that the location was one of the crowded locations that needed intermodal integration. Meanwhile Jakarta Transportation Agency Head Syafrin Liputa in his speech representing Acting Jakarta Governor said that Travoy Hub would be an example for other TOD areas along MRT phase 4 (Taman Mini-Fatmawati). Later, all TOD areas near MRT and LRT stations, besides sustaining the public’s transportation process, will be facilities that support the economy, which includes MSMEs or other business players, and absorb workforce in Jakarta.

“Jakarta [Provincial] Government is supporting the development and the expansion of the network to increase the economic values of the people and the areas,” he explained.

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