MRT Jakarta studies route expansion to South Tangerang

  • 19 Apr 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Investor Daily - MRT Jakarta Kaji perluasan rute hingga Tangerang Selatan

19 April 2024

Jakarta, ID – PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) is studying the plan to expand the route of the mass rapid transit (MRT) to South Tangerang. The expansion plan was previously discussed in 2018.

Currently, Jakarta MRT’s route spanning 16 kilometres (km) has connected Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI. MRT Jakarta is considering reviving the route expansion plan to South Tangerang.

“We will start to push so that the plan can be implemented after everything is completed. Maybe early next year. Currently, we want to focus on Jakarta first. We still have many things that must be completed,” MRT Jakarta President Director Tuhiyat said after the signing of the MoU between PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) and Sojitz Corporation, quoted on Thursday (18/4/2024).

Tuhiyat mentioned that the route expansion plan depended on the local government. South Tangerang is part of Banten Province.

“We will use the budget of the regional government, so the construction depends on the regional government itself,” he added.

He admitted that his company did not set a target of when Jakarta MRT’s route expansion to South Tangerang would be realised. However, he claims that the project can be completed relatively faster.

PT MRT Jakarta has signed a cooperation contract for the design and construction of CP205 that is part of Jakarta MRT’s phase 2A, which involves the railway’s system and track works. The contract is valued at Rp4.2 trillion. CP205 will support Jakarta MRT from Bundaran HI to Jakarta Kota.

The signing was conducted by PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) Construction Director Weni Maulina and Sojitz Corporation Airport and Transportation Infrastructure Department Assistant General Manager Naoki Kazama, witnessed by Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi, Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartno, and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) President Director Tuhiyat.

Tuhiyat said that the tender process of CP205 that is part of Jakarta MRT’s phase 2A used the international competitive bidding scheme.

“We appreciate the strong commitment between Indonesia and Japan to realise the signing. The contract period of CP205 is planned to reach 75 months until the end of 2029,” he said in Jakarta on Thursday (18/4/2024).

CP205 includes the substation system, power distribution system, overhead contact system, signalling, telecommunications, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), track works, and platform screen doors. 

Meanwhile, Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono said that the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan has been relied on by the public transportation sector of Jakarta.

“The signing of CP205 that includes the railway system and track works marks an important milestone in the construction of Jakarta MRT’s phase 2A,” he revealed.

He hopes that the signing could expedite the construction of phase 2A as an effort to enhance public mobility and life quality.

His agency also appreciates the Transportation Ministry and the Japanese government through JICA and Sojitz Corporation for cooperating with MRT Jakarta to continue the construction of Jakarta MRT. “The international construction project is expected to continue so that it can connect the East-West route and vice versa. Our hard work will also benefit our grandkids in the future who will enjoy competent transportation access in Jakarta that is becoming a global city,” Heru added.

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