Investment value at Rp23.22 trillion: Kamal - Teluk Naga - Rajeg toll road facilitates logistics to Merak

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Investor Daily - Nilai investasi Rp23,22 triliun: Tol Kamal - Teluk Naga - Rajeg perlancar logistik ke Merak

2 August 2023

By: Amrozi Amenan & Tri Murti


Jakarta - Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono hopes that Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road (38.60 km) will smooth out logistics distribution to Merak Port in Banten. Furthermore, the toll road concession agreement of Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road that was initiated by PT Duta Graha Karya with an investment value of Rp23.22 trillion has been signed.

“It is a toll road system in the corridor in western Java that will develop economic areas. The toll road will be connected to Jakarta-Merak toll road, so, [travelers] from the west hopefully do not have to use Jakarta Inner Ring Road,” Basuki said in his official statement after witnessing the signing of the PPJT of Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road at PUPR Ministry Office on Tuesday (1/8/2023).

“It is a toll road system in the corridor in western Java that will develop economic areas. The toll road will be connected to Jakarta-Merak toll road, so [travellers] from the west hopefully do not have to use Jakarta Inner Ring Road,” Basuki said.

Basuki explained that the construction of Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road was initiated by PT Duta Graha Karya using the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme as an unsolicited project that is fully funded by the business entity.

“I always remind contractors and consultants of infrastructure development [projects] to focus on quality, aesthetics, and environmental sustainability. They cannot be complacent with quality, they need to carry out their task as best as possible,” he stated.

Hence, the PUPR Minister instructed the Highways Directorate General of the PUPR Ministry to monitor the quality of the construction from the design planning to the construction process.

“The toll road goes through a coastal area, so there will be an abundance of soft soil. The geological research needs to be thorough. To carry out the implementation in line with the plan so that the construction will be smooth,” Basuki said.

Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Head Miftachul Munir said that the purpose of constructing Jamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road was to develop the northern part of Tangerang Regency. Besides that, it is also an effort to smooth out traffic in Banten and Jakarta.

“Sections 1 through 4 from Sedyatmo to Kohod are set to be completed and operated in 2025. Next, sections 5 through 8 from Kohod to Rajeg are set to be completed in 2026,” Munir said.

The tender process of Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road has been made public since 25 September 2020 with PUPR Minister Letter Number PB.02.02-Mn/1818 and PUPR Minister Letter Number PB0201-Mn/1320 dated 22 June 2023 on tender winner determination initiated by PT Duta Graha Karya.

Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road has eight sections. They consist of section 1 (Sedyatmo-Kosambi) spanning 6.7 km, section 2 (Kosambi-Teluknaga) spanning 3.7 km, section 3 (Teluknaga-Tanjung Pasir) spanning 3.1 km, section 4 (Tanjung Pasir-Kohod) spanning 3.65 km, section 5 (Kohod-Surya Bahari) spanning 5.15 km, section 6 (Surya Bahari-Pakuhaji) spanning 5.5 km, section 7 (Pakuhaji-Mauk) spanning 5.1 km, and section 8 (Mauk-Rajeg) spanning 5.7 km.

Fully supporting

Meanwhile, Acting Banten Governor Al Muktabar said that Banten Provincial Government was fully supporting the toll road construction. “We are also intensely communicating with Jakarta Provincial Government. In this programme, we are prioritising the location determination, and we will also continue to monitor the implementation. Hopefully, all our efforts will be easier,” he stated.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admitted that there were many regional heads that requested for toll roads to be constructed in their regions. Toll roads can accelerate the mobility of passengers and cargo, which can trigger economic growth in surrounding areas.

“Requests to construct toll roads do not only come from Java or East Java. Every time I visit a region, the request is always the same,” the President said recently.

Moreover, Infrastructure Financing Directorate General of the PUPR Ministry stated that there were six toll road projects worth around Rp49.47 trillion being prepared to be tendered in 2024. The projects are Malang-Kepanjen toll road spanning 29.78 km, Puncak toll road spanning 50.09 km, Bandung Southern Ring Road spanning 46.2 km, Kohod (Pakuhaji)-Lebakwangi (Neglasari) toll road spanning 12.24 km, Pluit-Cengkareng toll road spanning 12 km, and Sadang Extension toll road spanning 21.15 km.

Toll road construction in Indonesia until 2014 reached 790 km. From 2015 to 2019, 1,298 km of toll roads were successfully constructed, which include most of Trans-Java Toll Road and the commencement of Trans-Sumatra Toll Road as a backbone.

From 2020 to 2024, 1,367 km of toll roads are expected to be realised. From 2020 to May 2023, 535.5 km of toll road projects were completed. Then, new toll roads spanning 309.78 km with 13 toll segments are set to follow suit at the end of 2023.

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