KCIC prepares human resources for high-speed railway: Transportation Minister hopes LRT will be inaugurated at the end of this month

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Investor Daily - KCIC persiapkan SDM KA cepat: Menhub berharap LRT diresmikan akhir bulan ini

23 August 2023

By: Tri Murti


Jakarta - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that the inauguration of Jabodebek Light Rail Transit (LRT) can be carried out at the end of August. It was revealed by the Transportation Minister on Tuesday (22/8/2023) after he tried the rail-based modern mass transportation to ensure its readiness approaching operation.

“The operation of Jabodebek LRT will be carried out conservatively. It means that the number of trips will be increased in stages,” the Transportation Minister said in his official statement in Jakarta Yesterday.

Jabodebek LRT has 27 carriages per trainset. In the early stage, each trainset will consist of 10 to 12 carriages, then the number of carriages will be increased based on the people’s enthusiasm. All trainsets are set to operate in October.

When he checked the readiness of Jabodebek LRT yesterday, the Transportation Minister with SOE Deputy Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo and Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono rode the LRT from Dukuh Atas LRT Station to Halim LRT Station, then they held a coordination meeting with stakeholders. After the meeting, the Transportation Minister continued his trip to Cikoko LRT Station in Cawang.

“We are trying the LRT again today. The train is traveling smoothly. I stopped at Cikoko LRT Station, which is forecasted to be crowded as it will be an intermodal transit hub among [the LRT], Transjakarta and Jabodetabek Commuter Line,” the Transportation Minister said.

The Transportation Minister also revealed that Cikoko LRT Station would receive supporting facilities from Jakarta Provincial Government, such as a park and ride facility.

Technology transfer

On the other hand, PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) is improving the capabilities of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway (KCJB) staff through a technology transfer. KCIC Corporate Secretary GM Eva Chairunisa said that the readiness of human resources to operate and maintain KCJB was one of the most important aspects, and it is focused on to ensure that the high-speed railway operates smoothly.

“Hence, we are continuously improving the capabilities and the competence of human resources through technology and knowledge transfers from experts who have been trained to maintain high-speed railways,” Eva said in Jakarta yesterday.

Eva said that knowledge and technology transfers were continuously carried out so that the capabilities and the competence of human resources in Indonesia would be more ready approaching the operation of the high-speed railway.

According to her, the maintenance of the high-speed railway will use an international standard so that it can operate safely, smoothly, and comfortably.

She said that the high-speed railway in Indonesia would provide an opportunity for human resources in Indonesia to improve their competence in the railway sector. It will positively impact the development of the railway sector in Indonesia. There are currently 160 employees who are receiving a knowledge transfer on high-speed railway maintenance at Tegalluar Depot from experts.

There are 40 employees who will be tasked to maintain the electric multiple units (EMUs) as facility maintenance employees.

“Human resources in Indonesia can directly learn about the maintenance of high-speed railways from experts. It will be an excellent investment for the future of the railway sector in Indonesia,” she stated.

Parking space

Eva also explained that Tegalluar Depot is the parking space of 11 passenger trainsets and one inspection train of KCJB. The depot that reaches 85.4 hectares (ha) in size has seven main areas that function to facilitate the maintenance and the operation of the high-speed railway.

The areas have different functions from light maintenance to heavy maintenance. At Tegalluar Depot, the high-speed railway’s maintenance is carried out periodically.

Regular maintenance for the high-speed railway is carried out every two days after operating hours. The maintenance includes spare part replacement and ultrasonic testing to detect cracks on the train components.

Besides that, the wheels and the pantographs are also checked. Then, the high-speed railway trainsets are checked statically and dynamically. Repairs from level 1 through level 3 are also carried out on the high-speed railway at Tegalluar Depot. 

“Tegalluar Depot has complete and adequate facilities to ensure that the high-speed railway is in prime condition before operation. With excellent maintenance facilities and competent human resources, the high-speed railway is expected to operate without a hitch,” Eva said.

Meanwhile, transportation observer and Central Indonesia Transportation Society (MTI) Regional Empowerment and Strengthening Deputy Chairperson Djoko Setijowarno said that, even though human resources in Indonesia are competent and adequate, knowledge transfers were still required to operate and maintain the high-speed railway.

“Our human resources are capable. So, they only need to be told what to do. Later, we will be able to operate the high-speed railway by ourselves,” Djoko said to Investor Daily yesterday.

Djoko said that, in the next year, the high-speed railway might be operated by a mix of human resources from Indonesia and China. However, after that, it will be handled by human resources from Indonesia alone.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, we could not send our human resources to learn in China, unlike the LRT human resources that can learn in Malaysia. So, in the next year, I think that the high-speed railway will still be operated by a mix of our and China’s human resources,” Djoko stated.

Previously, KCIC stated that the Railways Directorate General of the Transportation Ministry was certifying KCJB ahead of the operation of the rail-based modern mass transportation. Eva Chairunisa said that all facilities of the high-speed railway were entering the first stage of tests by the Railways Directorate General of the Transportation Ministry to receive an operating permit.

“Based on regulations, the certification process must be implemented to test the reliability of the trainsets that will operate,” Eva said last week.

Eva explained that the high-speed railway has various new technologies that have never been implemented in Indonesia. According to her, an operating speed of 350 km per hour, the GSM-RI communication system, and the different operating system are aspects that must be prepared thoroughly to comply with applicable regulations.

The first tests of the high-speed railway refer to Transportation Minister Regulation No. 7 of 2022 on Implementation of High-speed Rail. The tests consist of several stages, including a static test that checks the high-speed railway’s dimension, weight, electricity system, and other aspects. Besides that, there is a dynamic test that checks the high-speed railway’s temperature, reliability condition, comfort, various other aspects.

KCJB is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and Southeast Asia that will operate at a speed of 350 km per hour. KCJB’s tracks span 142.3 km with 13 tunnels to serve four stations, namely Halim, Karawang, Padalarang, and Tegalluar. To improve connectivity, KCJB will be connected to Jabodebek LRT, feeder trains, Bandung Raya Commuter Line, bus rapid transit, shuttles, and taxis.

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