Light rail: Jokowi agrees to Jabodebek LRT subsidy

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Bisnis Indonesia - Kereta ringan: Jokowi setuju subsidi LRT Jabodebek

11 August 2023

By: Lorenzo A. Mahardhika & Akbar Evandio


Jakarta - The government is considering the public service obligation (PSO) subsidy for Jabodebek LRT to attract the interest of private vehicles users.

President Joko Widodo said that the provision of the PSO subsidy was a must as it is an effort to encourage the people to use public transportation.

According to the President, subsidies are required by all mass transportation so that the number of private vehicles can be reduced to lower traffic jams.

“Hence, PSO is required. There must be subsidies for the airport train, Transjakarta, Commuter Line, trains, LRT, MRT, and the high-speed railway. As they can attract the people from using private vehicles to use mass transportation,” he said when he tried Jabodebek LRT in Jakarta on Thursday (10/8).

The President did not answer when he was asked about the amount of the PSO subsidy that would be provided by the government for Jabodebek LRT. According to him, technical affairs are the task of Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi.

“The obvious thing is that [PSO and subsidies] are the concern of the Transportation Minister. The President cannot be asked to make the calculations,” Jokowi said.

Currently, the Transportation Ministry has set a tariff for Jabodebek LRT.

The tariff is stated in Transportation Minister Decree No. 67/2023 on Passenger Transportation Tariff with Integrated Light Rail Transit in Greater Jakarta to Implement Public Service Obligation.

The decree explains that the Jabodebek LRT tariff has been set at Rp5,000 for the first kilometre, then the people need to pay Rp700 for the next kilometres.

The LRT’s tariff from Jatimulya Station to Dukuh Atas Station that is 27.3 km apart is predicted to cost Rp23,200 per passenger.

During the occasion, the Transportation Minister stated that the comfort aspect of Jabodebek LRT was continuously improved approaching the commercial operation date (COD) on 26 August 2023.

Budi Karya explained that the safety aspect was the priority before Jabodebek LRT operates commercially.

He revealed that trial runs have been conducted every day by the team from the Railways Directorate General of the Transportation Ministry with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) and all related parties.

He said that the aspects that are currently being improved were related to comfort, namely acceleration and braking.

According to him, Jabodebek LRT will update its signalling software to improve comfort on the train.

Besides that, Jabodebek LRT is also improving its traction control unit software. Budi Karya said that the software was said to improve the harmony of the infrastructure.

“When it operates, it is expected to provide comfort for Jabodebek LRT passengers. Our nearest target is to hold another trial run process to receive more input from the people,” Budi Karya said.

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) President Director Didiek Hartantyo stated that he was continuously preparing all sides to ensure that Jabodebek LRT can operate excellently before 26 August 2023.

Jabodebek LRT’s construction progress is said to have surpassed 98%.


He said that Jabodebek LRT would be operated automatically without a driver using the communication-based train control (CBTC) system at Grade of Automation (GoA) 3.

“The system that is implemented in Indonesia for the first time is continuously improved so that it can operate smoothly, safely, and comfortably when it serves the customers,” Didiek said.

He said that the construction of Jabodebek LRT was carried out in cooperation with various solid parties to face existing dynamics and challenges. With that step, he guarantees that PT KAI can complete the project as the progress has currently reached 98.26%.

Didiek continued that trial runs were continuously carried out to ensure that integration among its system, signalling, electricity, facilities, trains, and other supporting components were implemented smoothly.

In relation with the complexity of the trial runs, he added that continuous adjustments and tests were required to achieve the optimum condition to guarantee the safety and the comfort of passengers.

Didiek said that the Jbaodebek LRT project was the government’s national strategic project that is constructed by the nation and the pride of Indonesians.

Collaborations are established with various parties, including PT Industri Kereta Api (Inka) as the facility provider, PT Len Industri as the signalling system provider, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk as the contractor, and related regional governments that support intermodal integration.

“We are asking for support from the people so that it can provide the best service when it operates and contribute to reduce traffic jams in the capital city,” Didiek concluded.

Meanwhile, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Jabodebek LRT Division Head Mochamad Purnomosidi ensures that Jabodebek LRT will commence commercial operation on 26 August 2023.

“In line with the President’s direction, Jabodebek LRT is expected to commence commercial operation on 26 August 2023,” Purnomosidi said.

He continued that Jabodebek LRT’s management has also completed the synchronisation process of the train system.

One of the aspects of the LRT that has been perfected is the synchronisation of the doors, so the doors on the LRT will be parallel to the doors on the platform when it stops.

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