KAI awaits Transportation Ministry's decision on LRT tariff

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Investor Daily - KAI tunggu keputusan Kemenhub soal tarif LRT

22 February 2023


Jakarta - PT Kereta Api (Persero) is still waiting for the decision of the Transportation Ministry regarding the tariff of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi (Jabodebek) Light Rail Transit (LRT), which will commence operation in July 2023. However, KAI predicts that the proposed tariff will be Rp15,000 on average from end to end.

“LRT’s tariff will be 15 thousand [rupiah] from end to end. However, it has not been decided,” KAI President Director Didik Haryanto said on Monday (20/02/2023).

According to Didik, the average LRT tariff of Rp15,000 has yet to consider the subsidy or public service obligation (PSO). 

“If it is not subsidised, it can reach Rp40 thousand,” he said.

Meanwhile, State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Deputy Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said that his agency was still holding a discussion with Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the provision of PSO for Jabodebek LRT when operation commences in July 2023.

“Who will provide the PSO? That is what we are discussing with Jakarta Provincial Government,” Kartika, familiarly called Tiko, said.

Tiko thinks that PSO for a public transportation such as LRT is still required to encourage people switching to public transportation from private vehicles.

“We hope that people who use private vehicles will switch to public transportation,” he said.

Previously, Jabodebek LRT Division Head Mochamad Purnomosidi said that his company was ready to propose the Jabodebek LRT tariff that ranges from Rp5,000 for the shortest distance to Rp25,000 for the longest distance. Meanwhile, the average tariff will be Rp15,000.

“It is progressive. So, there is an average tariff. We are proposing the longest distance to cost around Rp24,000 to Rp25,000,” Purnomo said.

Furthermore, Purnomo said that the government would subsidise Jabodebek LRT’s tariff. He said that the amount of the subsidy would affect LRT’s official tariff.

“We are waiting for the decision from the government from the Transportation Ministry as it is related to the amount of subsidy that will be provide by the government for the LRT’s operation,” he said.

Still in discussion

On the other hand, Transportation Ministry Spokesperson Adita Irawati stated that her agency was still discussing the LRT tariff with all related stakeholders. KAI is still calculating the suitable tariff. “Everything is still in discussion. We cannot speculate,” she said some time ago.

Adita said that the Transportation Ministry was still studying the potential subsidy for LRT’s tariff. The discussion will consider the amount of subsidies for railways in 2023 that has decreased compared to last year. “So, for the subsidy, we have to allocate it so that it is on target,” Adita said.

Meanwhile, Jabodebek LRT Public Relations Manager Kuswardojo said that Jabodebek LRT would operate 31 trainsets. Each Jabodebek LRT trainset consists of six carriages.

Jabodebek LRT will be able to carry up to 1,308 passengers. Jabodebek LRT will serve users from 5:00 AM WIB (Western Indonesia Time) to 11:27 PM WIB. Besides that, Jabodebek LRT will serve users with 18 stations, namely Dukuh Atas, Setiabudi, Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Pancoran, Cikoko, Ciliwung, Cawang, TMII, Kampung Rambutan, Ciracas, Harjamukti, Halim, Jatibening Baru, Cikunir I, CIkunir II, Bekasi Barat, and Jati Mulya.

According to Kuswardojo, Jabodebek LRT will serve around 434 trips every day on average to carry 137,000 passengers every day.

“It will arrive every 4 minutes at Dukuh Atas Station – Cawang, every 8 minutes at Jati Mulya Station – Cawang, as well as every 8 minutes at Harjamukti Station – Cawang,” he said.

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