Physical progress of IKN basic infrastructure project has reached 14%

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Investor Daily - Progres fisik proyek infrastruktur dasar IKN sudah capai 14%

6 February 2023


By Amrozi Amenan

Jakarta, ID – The construction progress of basic infrastructures in New Capital City (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan that is set to be completed in 2024 has reached 14%. There are 31 projects that have commenced construction, which include land development, worker housing, logistics roads, toll roads, retention basins and drainages, raw water intakes, coordinating ministry offices, Sumbu Kebangsaan, office complexes, and the presidential palace.

“Until now, the physical progress of infrastructures in IKN has reached 14%. They are progressing excellently in line with the three main principles to guarantee quality, aesthetics, and environmental sustainability,” Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in his official statement when he visited the construction of basic infrastructures in IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan on Sunday (5/2/2023).

“The smart forest city vision must be our guideline and work orientation. Be careful, we have to cut as few trees as possible. We will utilise existing trees and cliffs to create a good landscape,” Minister Basuki added.

Moreover, the smart forest city vision is implemented by limiting the number of existing trees cut to be in line with the road and landed building plans as well as by maintaining the existing landscape under the tight supervision of construction management consultants and work supervisors. Overload and over dimension (ODOL) trucks are also banned from travelling through the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) in IKN.

“There is already a regulation on ODOL [trucks]. We have to set a good example, so trucks that carry materials cannot be overloaded,” he said.

During the occasion, Minister Basuki also observed the construction progress of Sepaku River Intake that has a capacity of 3,000 litres per second that will be fitted with a transmission pipe network to support raw water provision in IKN.

The PUPR Minister is accompanied by Water Resources Director General of the PUPR Ministry Jarot Widyoko, Highways Director General of Hedy Rahadian, Human Settlement Director Geenral Diana Kusumastuti, Housing Director General Iwan Suprijanto, Export Staff of the PUPR Minister for Technology, Industry, and the Environment Endra S. Atmawidjaja, IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force Chairperson Danis H. Sumadilaga, PT Wijaya Karya President Director Agung Budi Waskito, PT Brantas Abipraya President Director Sugeng Rochadi, PT PP President Director Novel Arsyad, PT Adhi Karya President Director Entus Asnawi, and PT Waskita Karya President Director Destiawan Soewardjono.

IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force Chairperson Danis Sumadilaga revealed that the PUPR Ministry was currently accelerating the provision of raw water with Sepaku Semoi Dam and Sepaku Intake with progress surpassing 80%.

“The progress reaches 82% and 85% respectively to guarantee raw water availability in KIPP,” Danis said.

Meanwhile, Highways Director General of the PUPR Ministry Hedy Rahadian during a hearing with House of Representatives (DPR) Commission V on Tuesday (24/1/2023) said that the PUPR Ministry had commenced infrastructure construction in IKN, which includes roads and bridges. Moreover, from 2022 to 2024, there is a list of road and bridge projects with a construction timeline.

“There are 16 supporting infrastructure activities in IKN worth Rp10.73 trillion,” Hedy said.

The 16 road and bridge projects are divided into two areas, namely IKN and KIPP. In IKN, there are nine road and bridge construction projects with a budget ceiling of Rp8.75 trillion and there are seven projects in KIPP with a budget ceiling of Rp1.97 trillion.

During the occasion, Land Transportation Director General of the Transportation Ministry Hendro Sugiatno said that his agency was allocating Rp15.87 billion this year to construct land transportation in IKN Nusantara.

“Priority programs in fiscal year 2023 are the main agendas that will improve public service to support IKN,” Hendro said.

Out of the budget that reaches Rp15.87 billion, Rp9.77 billion is allocated for 11 packages of IKN technical planning documents and Rp6.1 billion is allocated for Balikpapan-IKN intermodal transportation services.

IKN toll road

Danis said that, outside KIPP, his agency was constructing 3 toll roads spanning 27 kilometres with progress under 5%.

“The progress of the projects has only reached 6%, 2%, and 1% as they only commenced around 2 months [ago],” Danis revealed.

Section 5A of the access toll road will connect Balang Besar Island, Balang Besar Bridge, and Balang Kecil Bridge. Later, Balang Kecil Bridge will be duplicated.

Hedy said that there were 9 toll segments in IKN Nusantara toll road network in East Kalimantan spanning 75.62 kilometres that would be built. Out of the nine toll segments, four are set to be completed in 2024, simultaneously with the first stage of the capital city relocation. The four segments are sections 3A, 3B, 5A, and 6. Section 3A is the Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau segment of IKN toll road spanning 13.4 kilometres, section 3B is KKT Kariangau-Tempadung Interchange segment of IKN toll road spanning 7,325 kilometres, section 5A is Tempadung Interchange-Pulau Balang Bridge segment of IKN toll road spanning 6,675 kilometres, and section 6 is VVIP Airport-KIPP Outer RR segment of IKN toll road spanning 5.77 kilometres.

Then, the other five toll segments are set to be completed after 2024. The segments are section 1 that is Sepinggan Airport-Balsam toll road of the IKN toll road spanning 8.35 kilometres, section 2 that is the existing Balsam toll road spanning 2.89 kilometres, section 4A that is Tempadung Interchange-KIPP Outer RR of IKN toll road spanning 17.10 kilometres and KIPP Outer RR Exit-KIPP Inner RR segment of IKN toll road spanning 2.10 kilometres, as well as section 5B that is Pulau Balang Bridge-VVIP Airport segment of IKN toll road spanning 12.01 kilometres that is still being studied.

“So, we have proposed 5B, but we are not sure. So, as long as 5B has not been constructed, we will use existing roads,” Hedy said.

On the other hand, Hedy said that President Joko Widodo is targeting travel time from Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan to IKN to only take 30 minutes.

“We are directed to target [travel time] from the airport to IKN to only take half an hour at most by the President,” Hedy added.

Hence, the PUPR Ministry through the Highways Directorate General is looking for the most likely route spanning 47 kilometres.

“Later, from the airport, we will make a special toll road to around Manggur to section 5 of Balsam that spans around 7 kilometres. At around kilometre 10, there will be a direct exit to Tempadung Interchange going through Kariangau,” Hedy explained.

Then, the toll road will continue north crossing the strait with an immersed tunnel to directly enter Sumbu Kebangsaan near the palace.

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