Bank Mandiri disbursed Rp301 trillion infrastructure loan

  • 15 Feb 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Investor Daily - Bank Mandiri salurkan kredit infrastruktur Rp301 triliun

15 February 2024

Jakarta, ID – As a state-owned bank, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is consistently targeting to disburse infrastructure loans to accelerate equity in Indonesia. In 2023, the disbursement of infrastructure loans reached Rp301.77 trillion.

Bank Mandiri is disbursing infrastructure loans in compliance with Presidential Regulation Number 38 of 2015. The value grew 15.95% year-on-year (YoY) from Rp260.25 trillion in 2022.

Bank Mandiri Corporate Banking Director Susana Indah Kris Indriati mentioned that the initiative aligned with the government's efforts to achieve the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision. One of the vision’s key objectives is to provide basic infrastructure to enhance connectivity and equality among regions.

“It is Bank Mandiri’s commitment to continuously support the strengthening of infrastructure in Indonesia without the State Budget (APBN),” Indah said on Wednesday (14/2/2024).

The bank with the ticker code BMRI primarily allocates its infrastructure loan disbursement to the transportation subsector, which surged by 24.79% (YoY) to Rp78.29 trillion at the end of 2023. In parallel, disbursements for the electricity subsector increased by 18.34% (YoY) to Rp51.50 trillion.

Then, disbursements for the telematics sector increased by 13.41% (YoY) to Rp28 trillion in 2023. Meanwhile, disbursements for the oil and gas and renewable energy subsector grew 30.33% (YoY) to Rp27.74 trillion.

Indah sees that opportunities in the infrastructure sector will continue to grow. According to the research conducted by the Bank Mandiri team, infrastructure expenditure in the 2024 APBN is projected to rise by 6% to Rp423.4 trillion compared to the 2023 APBN outlook of Rp399.6 trillion.

Meanwhile, the direction of infrastructure policies in 2024 will be focused on supporting national strategic projects, serving as catalysts for domestic economic growth and continuous increase in Indonesia’s competitiveness.

The infrastructure development target includes expenditure for basic services, such as transportation, connectivity, education, health, as well as technology, information, and communication.

This underscores the ongoing necessity of infrastructure development as an economic driver. As a partner of the government and an agent of change, Bank Mandiri is confident about infrastructure loan disbursement continuing to grow.

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