Mass Rapid Transit Project: Japan in recession, MRT continues on

  • 21 Feb 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Bisnis Indonesia - Proyek Moda Raya Terpandu: Jepang Resesi, MRT tetap Bergulir

21 February 2024

By Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika

Bisnis, Jakarta – PT MRT Jakarta believes that funding for the mass rapid transit (MRT) project in Jakarta will not be affected by the economic condition of Japan that is currently in recession.

PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) President Director Tuhiyat said that Japan’s construction and funding support for the MRT project in Jakarta would continue to remain at an optimal level.

“Inshallah (God willing), it is safe. It is already a different year, the budget from the Japanese government has already been provided,” he said in Jakarta on Tuesday (20/2).

Tuhiyat mentioned that the Japanese government has allocated a dedicated portion in their budget for investments, specifically for projects like the construction of Jakarta MRT.

For example, he mentioned that PT MRT Jakarta is currently awaiting the signing of the loan contract with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to commence work on Phase 1 Stage 1 of the East-West Jakarta MRT line. This action is a follow-up to the Memorandum of Discussion (MoD) for the project, which was established between the Indonesian government and JICA in November 2023.

Tuhiyat is targeting the loan contract to be signed in April 2024. The loan will be effective in about 3 months after the signing of the loan contract. “It [the loan] is certain as the Minutes of Discussion has been signed. So, it will not be affected,” Tuhiyat said.

Due to Japan's current economic recession, the country has lost its position as the third-largest economy in the world.

On Thursday (15/2), the Japanese Cabinet Office reported that its gross domestic product (GDP) experienced a year-on-year (YoY) decrease of 0.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023. In the previous quarter, it decreased by 3.3%.

Tuhiyat also affirmed that PT MRT Jakarta would not change the tariff of the MRT.

Tuhiyat explained that the tariff for Jakarta MRT’s longest route from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI was around Rp31,000 before subsidies from the government.

The tariff was established after taking into account the economic value of the initial phase of the Jakarta MRT, which amounts to Rp16 trillion and spans a length of 13 kilometres. “The tariff has been set at Rp14,000 for the longest route. This amount is affordable for the public, and there are government subsidies to support it,” he explained.

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