2023 container traffic: Pelindo targets 3.3% increase

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Bisnis Indonesia - Arus kontainer 2023: Pelindo targetkan kenaikan 3,3%

 17 January 2023

By: Lorenzo A. Mahardhika


Jakarta – This year, PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas is targeting container traffic at all ports of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) to slightly increase by 3.3% to 11.53 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs).

PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP) Corporate Secretary Widyaswendra said that that number was higher compared to the company’s realisation throughout 2022 that reached 11.16 million TEUs. Moreover, container traffic in 2021 reached 11.04 million TEUs.

“We predicted that, in 2022, there would be an increase of around 5%-7% from 2021. However, in reality, it increased by 1.08%. For this year, we target around 11.53 million TEUs,” he said in his official statement on Monday (16/1).

Widyaswendra mentioned that the operational transformation of container terminals (TPKs) was still the company’s main program in 2023.

Several container terminals will be polished to increase their productivity to cut port stay.

The container terminals are Jayapura TPK, Pantoloan TPK, Kupang TPK, Tarakan TPK, Kendari TPK, and Bitung TPK.

Other programs that will be carried out by SPTP are the digitalisation and systemising of container terminal operation, asset optimisation, port development through strategic partners, and several other work programs.

Meanwhile, National Maritime Institute (Namarin) Director Siswanto Rusdi mentioned that containerisation could be one of SPTP efforts to increase container traffic growth.

Moreover, SPTP must organise several ports in eastern Indonesia so that they can be used to accommodate container activities and support containerisation.

“Container cargo potential in eastern Indonesia is still quite high, especially for fisheries,” Siswanto said.

On the other hand, the effort to increase foreign container traffic can be implemented by providing terminals to function as transhipment hubs. However, Siswanto reckoned that a thorough study with all parties, which includes the government, must still be carried out.

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