Jokowi asks financial services industry to strengthen national economic growth

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Investor Daily - Jokowi minta IJK perkuat pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional

17 January 2023


Jakarta – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a meeting with Financial Services Authority (OJK) and several representatives from the financial services industry at Merdeka Palace. At the meeting, Jokowi directed the financial services industry to support and strengthen national economic growth.

OJK Board of Commissioners Head Mahendra Siregar said that the meeting with President Jokowi was held to state the preparations for the Annual Financial Services Industry Gathering (PTIJK) that will be held in early February 2023.

Besides that, the meeting also discussed the latest developments in the financial services sector and the industries in it. Mahendra said that President Jokowi asked the authority and players in the financial services sector to maintain the economic growth momentum from 2022 amid the global economic condition that is full of challenges.

“We must mitigate the impacts of that condition. We are also preparing to enter the presidential election period. The performance, condition, and growth of the financial services sector are supporting and strengthening national economic growth,” Mahendra revealed at Merdeka palace on Monday (16/1/2023).

With various experiences in resolving difficult challenges during the pandemic, Mahendra continued that the President affirmed that there was no reason to not be optimistic about facing 2023.

“During the occasion, we and leaders in the financial services industry stated our plan, prospect, and challenges in the future that must be anticipated, mitigated, and handled. Even though the global economic condition is full of challenges and difficult, we must mitigate the impacts of the condition,” Mahendra said.

Hence, synergy, coordination, cooperation, and mutual effort among the government, OJK as the regulator in the financial services sector, and ministries as well as institutions must be accelerated.

“Including KSSK members with the Finance Ministry, Bank Indonesia (BI), Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), and all stakeholders, including businesses and investors, in the financial services industry that will determine if 2023 will be just as good as or better than 2022,” he revealed.

During the occasion, Association of State-owned Banks (Himbara) Chairman Sunarso who represents the banking industry said that his association would support the government’s step to conduct industrial downstreaming. According to the President, industrial downstreaming based on natural resource extraction cannot stop and must continue.

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