Progress at 88.38%, KAI continues to accelerate Jabodebek LRT project

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Investor Daily - Progres 88,38%, Proyek LRT Jabodebek terus dikebut

14 January 2023

By: Amrozi Amenan


Jakarta – As of January 2023, the progress of Jabodebek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi) Light Rail Transit (LRT) project has reached 88.38%. PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI is focusing on completing the mass transportation mode so that it can operate in July 2023.

Later, Jabodebek LRT will operate using the communication-based train control (CBTC) system with grade of automation (GoA) level 3, where the communication-based railway system can operate the railway and forecasts the schedule automatically from the operation control centre without a driver.

“Even without a driver, Jabodebek LRT will still have train attendants to provide services to customers and handle emergency conditions if needed,” Jabodebek LRT Public Relation Manager Kuswardojo said in his official statement in Jakarta on Friday (13/1/2023).

Furthermore, Kuswardojo said that, in serving the public, Jabodebek LRT would operate 31 trainsets. Every Jabodebek LRT trainset consists of six carriages. Jabodebek LRT can carry 1,308 passengers.

“Jabodebek LRT will serve the people from 5:00 AM WIB (Western Indonesia Time) to 11:27 PM WIB. Later, Jabodebek LRT will serve 434 trips every day with an initial target of carrying 137,000 passengers every day. It will arrive at Dukuh Atas – Cawang Station every 4 minutes, Jati Mulya – Cawang Station every 8 minutes, and Harjamukti – Cawang Station every 8 minutes,” Kuswardojo said.

Jabodebek LRT will serve the people with 18 stations, namely Dukuh Atas Station, Setiabudi Station, Rasuna Said Station, Kuningan Station, Pancoran Station, Cikoko Station, Ciliwung Station, Cawang Station, TMII Station, Kampung Rambutan Station, Ciracas Station, Harjamukti Station, Halim Station, Jatibening Baru Station, Cikunir I Station, Cikunir II Station, Bekasi Barat Station, and Jati Mulya Station. The stations are integrated with other modes of transportation to facilitate the people in mobilising. Besides that, Jabodebek LRT stations are located at strategic locations, starting from housing, shopping, to business areas to make it easier for the people to use Jabodebek LRT.

Then, in its operation, Jabodebek LRT will implement the cashless system that uses existing transportation electronic money cards, such as KMT, electronic money cards, digital wallets, or e-wallets.

“KAI is also preparing staff at stations and ticket counters, as well as staff to provide passenger services, cleaning services, healthcare, and security to optimise services for customers at all Jabodebek LRT stations,” Kuswardojo explained.

Reducing traffic jams

Kuswardojo revealed that Jabodebek LRT was expected to reduce traffic jams in Jabodebek area. Based on Presidential Regulation 49/2017, KAI is appointed as the provider of Jabodebek LRT facilities and infrastructure that include facility procurement, facility and infrastructure operation, facility and infrastructure maintenance, as well as facility and infrastructure commercialisation by providing the automatic fare collection system.

Besides that, KAI as the SOE (state-owned enterprise) appointed to operate Jabodebek LRT is also preparing various aspects to facilitate the operation of the modern transportation. One of the preparations is the readiness of human resources to realise the safety and smoothness of Jabodebek LRT operation.

“We are also preparing a Jabodebek LRT depot to store, check, maintain, and repair facilities and components that support Jabodebek LRT,” Kuswardojo said.

Moreover, Jabodebek LRT is planned to serve the people in the middle of 2023. KAI and other related parties are continuously preparing various aspects so that Jabodebek LRT can operate in accordance with the planned target.

“As construction progress has reached 88.38% as of January 2023, Jabodebek LRT is set to operate in July 2023,” Kuswardojo added.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tested Jabodebek LRT without a driver from Harjamukti Station to TMII Station on 26 December 2022. At the time, President Jokowi was accompanied by Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa, Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, SOE Minister II Kartika Wiroatmodjo, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung Wibowo, and Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono.

“The LRT trip from Harjamukti Station to TMII Station spans nine kilometres. It took 12 minutes,” Jokowi said.

Jokowi told about his experience using the LRT from Harjamukti Station in Depok to TMII Station.

“The speed is 80 kilometres per hour. It is very fast and has no driver,” Jokowi said.

Jokowi admitted that he was proud of Jabodebek LRT as the transportation is directly produced by PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA). The railway will operate without a driver.

“We are happy and proud that the railway is made by INKA. Everything is made by INKA, including the driverless system. Everything is from INKA. It was comfortable, fast, and silent. I thought that it was going to make some noise when turning,” Jokowi said.

The President hopes that the LRT project that starts in Cibubur and goes through TMII can operate in June or July 2023, simultaneously with Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (KCJB).

“We hope that it can operate simultaneously with the high-speed railway in June or July 2023,” Jokowi said.

Jokowi said that Jabodebek LRT could carry 420 passengers.

“So, the railway can carry 420 passengers. The station can accommodate around 520 people. It is still being completed. The progress is still at 87%. The depot and other small aspects related to the system synchronisation must still be completed. I see that it is still progressing little by little,” he said.

During the occasion, the Transportation Minister said that Jabodebek LRT was currently at the driverless system testing stage.

“As it is using a sophisticated technology, I ask that the test is conducted excellently to make sure that the safety aspect is satisfactory before it is operated, inshallah (God willing), in the middle of 2023,” the Transportation Minister said.

Jabodebek LRT can accommodate up to 700 passengers with around 400 trips per day. It is integrated with other modes of transportation, namely TransJakarta and Jaklingko, Trans Patriot, Commuter Line, Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train, and Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway.

“Urban mass transportations must continuously be developed, organised, and optimised to be used by the people. Jakarta is one of the examples of a city with complete mass transportation with MRT, LRT, BRT, Commuter Line, angkot (public minivan), and others,” the Transportation Minister said.

Jabodebek LRT project is a national strategic project (PSN) that is an urban mass transportation. The infrastructure is built to reduce traffic jams in Jakarta and the satellite cities around it, such as Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi.

“With Jabodebek LRT, urban mass transportations are expected to be more integrated, accessible, comfortable, and attractive for the public to switch to mass transportation,” the Transportation Minister said.

Meanwhile, during the occasion, PT KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo said that, when it is fully operational in its first year, the LRT was expected to carry 137 thousand passengers. Tests will continuously be conducted one stage at a time.

“Today, a trial was conducted for service route 1 from Harjamukti Station to TMII Station. Principally, the route is completed. Then, it will be followed by service route 2 from Cawang to Dukuh Atas. So, in early January, the system will be completed. We only need to carry out tests for service route 2,” Didiek said.

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