PUPR completes the arrangement of Malalayang Beach and Bunaken tourism areas

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Investor Daily - PUPR tuntaskan penataan kawasan pariwisata Pantai Malalayang dan Bunaken

5 January 2023


Jakarta – The Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry is completing the arrangement of Malalayang Beach and Bunaken Ecotourism Village. That step is a form of support for the development of Manado-Bitung-Likupang Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP) in North Sulawesi.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the arrangement of the two tourism areas was meant to support the development of international and environmentally sound tourism destinations in Manado. “The arrangement of these two areas will provide the best service for upcoming visitors,” Basuki said in his explanation recently.

Malalayang Beach arrangement is carried out using the 2020-2022 state budget worth Rp65.48 billion. The construction is carried out on top of 18,500 square metres (m2) of land. The construction scope includes the pedestrian area (public beach promenade) spanning 1.2km that enhances the part of Manado facing the beach. Besides that, there is an observation tower, floating stalls, a cultural stage, drinking stalls, a cross-shaped pier, a jet ski dock, as well as connecting roads.

The development of the existing landmarks’ design at Bobocha Monument and the cross-shaped pier is carried out to support the beauty of the promenade by adapting local culture by using the Indonesian coelacanth shape. The pedestrian area that previously lacked lighting is now beautiful with vibrant lighting.

Next, Bunaken arrangement was carried out from 2020 until 2022 with a contract value of Rp28.78 billion. The construction is carried out on top of 19,000 m2 of land. The arrangement of both areas is carried out in a single package by the contractor PT Nindya Karya.

Bunaken Island has a strategic role in tourism activities as the entrance for tourists who will go to the islands. Hence, arranging Bunaken Island is crucial to create a representative area with an excellent environment and services for tourists.

The arrangement of Bunaken includes the construction of new docks, environmental roads, marking gates, street furniture, as well as a cultural stage that can be used by locals to carry out various activities. The construction implements the Ecotourism Village concept to maintain the village feel by using local homes as homestays that maintains the typical architecture of Minahasa.

North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Office Head of the PUPR Ministry Komang Raka Maharthana said that the construction of the beach area in Bunaken was carried out carefully. “Everything is carried out by considering the directions from the field from Bunaken National Park Conservation Agency to minimise damages to the coral reefs and biotas in the conservation area,” Komang said.

Finally, arranging Malalayang Beach and Bunaken means arranging the landscape and villages that are still natural while still maintaining the culture of the ancestors. So, tourists who come will have a complete experience that is not limited to the beauty of nature, but also art and culture that are typical of Minahasa.

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