Transportation Ministry realised 97.69% of budget spending

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Investor Daily - Kemenhub realisasikan belanja anggaran 97.69%

 5 January 2023


Jakarta – The Transportation Ministry’s budget realisation performance in 2022 reached 97.69% or Rp32.63 trillion from the total budget allocation of Rp33.41 trillion. That realisation surpasses the set target at 97.25%.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that, from year to year, the Transportation Ministry’s spending realisation kept increasing. In 2019, it reached 92%, 2020 95.59%, 2021 97.19%, and 2022 97.69%, based on the e-monitoring data.

“This is proof of our commitment to continuously constructing infrastructures with good governance, despite several challenges that include the pandemic. All of this is [carried out] to improve connectivity in every region in Indonesia,” the Transportation Minister said in his official statement in Jakarta on Wednesday (4/1/2023).

The Transportation Minister said that state budget (APBN) management was carried out by determining the priority scale and ensuring that what is carried out is on target and directly impacts the people. Moreover, several transportation infrastructures that have been constructed in 2022 include ferry ports and ships at Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Wakatobi in Central Sulawesi, as well as the golden triangle (Sanur, Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan) in Bali.

Then, there are constructions of railway tracks in Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi as well as urban railways in the form of railway tracks, stations, and trains. Several projects that have been completed and operated this year include Pondok Ranji Station, Manggarai Station Phase 1, and Maros-Garongkong Railway that is part of the construction of Makassar-Parepare Railway. Next, there are constructions of new ports and airports such as Sanur Port, Trunojoyo Airport in Sumenep Regency in East Java, and Komodo Airport in Labuan Baju in East Nusa Tenggara.

In 2022, several constructions were continuously carried out and commenced, including Jabodebek LRT, Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, Jakarta MRT, International Motor Vehicle Proving Ground in Bekasi, Patimban Port, Anggrek Port, several airports, and type A terminal revitalisation in several regions.

Besides the budget realisation performance that surpassed target, this year, non-tax state revenue (PNBP) from the Transportation Ministry also surpassed the target as it reached 104.78% or Rp8.9 trillion while the target was only Rp8.6 trillion. Three of the highest PNBP contributors are Sea Transportation Directorate General that contributed Rp4.623 trillion or 127.73% of the target, Air Transportation Directorate General that contributed Rp1.41 trillion or 105.71% of the target, and Transportation Human Resource Development Agency that contributed Rp1.3 trillion or 100.78% of the target.

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