Obstacles hindering freeway projects

  • 09 Jan 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Bisnis Indonesia - Aral proyek jalan bebas hambatan

9 January 2024

By Hendra Wibawa

After a long wait, the Pamulang-Cinere-Raya Bogor Toll Road finally commenced operation on Monday (8/1). The new toll road brings good news for the development of national transportation infrastructure. 

However, there is still a lot of homework to do in realising various toll road project developments which are at risk of being stalled due to various obstacles. 

The Pamulang-Cinere-Raya Bogor Toll Road is part of the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) II network. This route is expected to provide convenience for people in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Bodetabek) to travel without needing to enter Jakarta. 

For information, the traffic congestion in Jakarta is getting worse every year. The access provided by Pamulang-Cinere-Raya Bogor Toll Road can become a new alternative route for people mobility. 

This was expressed by President Joko Widodo when inaugurating the Pamulang-Cinere-Raya Bogor Toll Road at the Limo Toll Gate in Depok City, West Java on Monday (8/1). 

Not only it will benefit the people, the Head of State believes that the toll road segment can also facilitate goods delivery and logistics activities. “We hope that the mobility of people, goods, and logistics will be better, faster,” said the President. 

So far, the new toll road spanning 14.8 kilometres (km) that costed Rp4 trillion in investment will complete the toll road network structure in Jabodetabek. Currently, there are the Jakarta Inner Ring Road, JORR I, and JORR II. 

The President believes that transportation connectivity, which is the lifeblood of the economy in Jabodetabek, will be fully connected in the second quarter of 2024. 

The Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry Miftachul Munir also expressed the same belief. 

He revealed that the Serpong-Cinere-Jagorawi Toll Road which is integrated with the Cinere-Serpong Toll Road will be fully connected at the beginning of this year, precisely in March 2024. 

“So, the JORR II Toll Road will be fully connected in April 2024, in the first quarter, only [the road] from Cikeas to Cibitung is remaining,” said Munir. 

Several new toll roads are also planned be inaugurated this year, including Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung Toll Road spanning 24.9 km, Padang-Pekanbaru (Bangkinang-Pangkalan) Toll Road spanning 24.7 km, Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road section 1 spanning 24.67 km, Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi-Parapat Toll Road sections 3-4 spanning 58 km, and the New Capital City (IKN) Access Toll Road spanning 52.8 km. 

The construction of the Pamulang-Cinere-Raya Bogor Toll Road segment absorbed Rp7.7 trillion of the state budget (APBN). 

President Director of the State Asset Management Agency (LMAN) Basuki Purwadi detailed the total cost of Rp7.7 trillion, consisting of land acquisition costs for the Serpong-Cinere Toll Road of Rp4 trillion and for the Cinere-Jagorawi (Cijago) Toll Road of Rp3.7 trillion.

In 2024, the government has allocated APBN funds for LMAN amounting to Rp15 trillion specifically for land acquisition for national strategic projects (PSN). 

The jumbo budget is to ensure that 42 PSN worth Rp1,427.36 trillion will continue until completion despite the ending term of office of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. 

Director of Highways, Directorate General of Highways, PUPR Ministry, Triono Junoasmono, confirmed that some of the PSN that would not be completed during Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin administration were toll road projects. 

For instance, the Serang-Panimbang Banten Toll Road is one of the PSN that will not be completed during Jokowi’s leadership. 

“Serang-Panimbang, for example, will be completed after 2024. Initially, the target was 2024, but due to land problems, financing, and so on, we shifted it to 2025,” he said. 

The main cause that hampers progress in completing toll road PSN is mostly land acquisition problems. 

Triono also said that several PSN that will be completed after 2024 would have their PSN status removed. “Some of them have been dropped, but some of them will be continued. It does not mean that the whole segment is not finished, but some of it will be functional in 2024,” he said. 

Another example of toll road that was confirmed not to be completed during the Jokowi administration is the longest toll project in Indonesia, namely the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap (Getaci) Toll Road. 

Currently, the Director General of Highways at the PUPR Ministry, Hedy Rahadian, stated that the toll road project is in the tender stage. 

The Getaci Toll Road is one of the PSN with delayed completion past 2024 due to cost problems. 

“Getaci is still being tendered, be patient. We are still conducting tender, and it will be [completed and operational] after 2024,” said Hedy. 

If the tender process runs smoothly, he is confident that project construction will begin in the second quarter of 2024. 

In more detail, the Getaci Toll Road consists of 4 sections, namely Section 1 Gedebage Junction-North Garut (45.20 km), Section 2 North Garut-Tasikmalaya (50.32 km), Section 3 Tasikmalaya-Patimuan (76.78 km), and Section 4 Patimuan-Cilacap (34.35 km). 

Meanwhile, the construction of the Getaci Toll Road is estimated to cost around Rp56.20 trillion in investment and a concession period of 40 years starting from the issuance of the work commencement instruction letter (SPMK). 

It seems that the APBN allocation for infrastructure development remains strong at the end of the term of President Jokowi and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. 

Jokowi’s loyalty in allocating budget for infrastructure development was evident after Jokowi announced that infrastructure capital expenditure in 2024 reached Rp422.7 trillion. The fund allocation for infrastructure this year could be the largest during the leadership of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin. (Alifian Asmaayasi/Akbar Evandio)

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