Govt continues to promote Patimban to business players

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Investor Daily - Pemerintah terus promosikan Patimban ke pelaku usaha

13 July 2023


Jakarta - The government is continuously promoting Patimban Port to industrial estate members, business players, and producers in West Java. The port that is located in Subang has a vehicle terminal that serves multipurpose activities.

Sea Transportation Director General Arif Toha explained that the port located in Subang in West Java was one of the magnets for area development in northern West Java, and it is also a new hope for locals to improve the economy of the surrounding areas.

“We, from the Transportation Ministry and Subang Regional Government and West Java [Provincial Government], are continuously promoting Patimban Port to ignite the business potential of ports and areas in West Java and its surroundings,” Arif Toha said as a keynote speaker at the Patimban Connection forum group discussion (FGD) themed Business Potential through Patimban International Port on Wednesday (12/7/2023).

With the development of Patimban Port, Arif hopes that sea transportation and logistics can be more efficient to improve the economy in West Java and the national economy.

“The construction of the port that was set as a strategic project is meant to sustain connectivity and integrate the logistics chain of large, medium, and small industries,” he added.

However, the success of the construction policy implemented by the Indonesian government cannot be achieved without the involvement, contribution, support, and collaboration of economic players, businesses, and producers in the area.

“To provide support, West Java Provincial Government has initiated the integration of Rebana Area where Patimban Port will be integrated with industrial estates in Karawang and Subang, Kertajati International Airport, and toll roads,” Arif explained.

Moreover, Rebana Metropolitan Area includes Sumedang Regency, Majalengka Regency, Cirebon Regency, Subang Regency, Indramayu Regency, and Kuningan Regency. Later Cirebon City will also be integrated with Patimban Port.

“I hope that the FGD will introduce Patimban Port to business players so that they can participate, invest, and conduct business activities through Patimban Port,” Director General Arif said.

During the occasion, Class II Patimban Port Authority and Harbourmaster Office (KSOP) Head Capt. Dian Wahdiana said that Patimban Port has operated its vehicle terminal by serving vehicle imports and exports as well as its container terminal by serving multipurpose activities such as the maritime highway.

“The part of Patimban Port that was completed in stage 1-1 has operated since 2020. In 2021, it has been fully operating with PT Pelabuhan Patimban Internasional as the operator,” he explained.

Patimban Port will be constructed and developed in several stages with stage 1-1 (2018-2021), stage 1-2 (2022-2025), stage 2, and stage 3 using the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme.

“Stage 1-1 is 100% completed. The development of stage 1-2 is currently ongoing. In the future, stages 2 and 3 will follow suit [using PPP],” Dian stated.

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